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  1. U

    Stressed A. Borellii sp. Opal male

    About 3 weeks ago I got a solo male A. Borellii sp. Opal. I had him in a QT tank with other fish while I finished building an upgraded 32 gallon tank for my community for 1 week. During this time he was colored up and seemed great. Once I moved them all to the new tank, he has had no color and...
  2. D

    Help sexing Borellii Opal’s

    Hi all, I have 2 Borellii Opals I am uncertain of their sex. When I bought them I was certain they were females due to the strong black colours on the first rays in the dorsal and pelvic fins and a seemingly strong yellow colour (however they were in a tank with possibly 30-40 other Borellii...
  3. N

    Sexing Apistogramma Borellii

    Dear Forum, thanks for your help already in advance! I got two young Apistogamma borellii. Length at around 4 cm/1.5 inch. The first one is I think a male. The second one (see photo) I am not so sure about. Is it a female? (black line through the eye, the first ray of the breastfin ist also...
  4. quartz_aquatics

    Apistogramma Borellii Breeding Diet

    I received my proven pair of borellis a week ago and I think they are ready to breed. Ive seen the male being flashy towards to female and he’s been hanging around one specific coconut cave that he keeps trying to lead her to. She looks like she’s been in her breeding colors since the day I...
  5. quartz_aquatics

    Hi from the US

    Hi! I’ve been keeping fish for well over a year now and have been breeding uncommon cichlids. Apistogramma borelli have always been my dream fish and I’ve finally got my hands on a proven pair and I would like to breed them soon :)
  6. C

    Assumed male Apistogramma Borellii not colouring up

    I got what I believed was a male and female Borellii about year ago, they never got on, never coloured up and didn't really show any sort of gender norms apart from not having rounded fins so I guessed they were both males. I have since split them up and have gotten two female Borellii opal...
  7. F

    Best temperature for Apistogramma borellii “Opal”?

    I'm currently keeping them at 24c and was wondering if they would prefer a little cooler or if there's a recommended temperature to get a good ration of male & female offspring?
  8. Ben Rhau

    sexing borellii or steel blue

    Hi, I have a trio of apistos that were sold to me as borellii. Two of them seem obviously female (more yellowish, rounded dorsal fin tip). Two pics of the same female attached. One was sold as a male, but I'm not sure. It is less yellowish, and has more blue on the face. However, it has black on...
  9. S

    greetings from KC

    Hey everyone, I am looking to get my first apistogrammas in the next 4 weeks. Currently setting up the tank now and thought it would be a good idea to learn as much as I can before getting the pair to have the most success with them. I'm super excited for them. I found a local guy with Borellii...
  10. N

    breeding lesson learned with my Borellii

    Aloha all, well after many spawns I realized that the addition of my panda cories to the tank was not healthy for my female Borellii. The young pair was having the eggs eaten by them so the male was constantly trying to get her to spawn again. He didn't know it takes time to make more eggs to do...
  11. David Skelton

    How to sex. Borellii opal juveniles around 3cm?

    Hello! An Englishman living in Australia Have just got a "pair" of Borellii opals ordered in from a store who said the suppliers could provide a male & female. I have doubts whether that's the case. Have asked on a few fb aquarium groups & people seem to think their both males, but what I've...
  12. blucenere

    Buying pair Apistogramma borellii opal (red mask) in Germany-Stuttgart

    Hello, i am looking for a pair of Apistogramma borellii opal (red mask) in Germany, region Stuttgart. I would like to see a pic of the fishes or if too young, of the parents. Thank you :)