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Hi guys.
Hope you all are doing ok!
Yesterday I noticed my Male Agassizii had a weird growth in his ventral fin.
I immediately isolated the fish and applied esha2000 preventatively. (although I don't know if it is a viral, bacterial or other problem)
I did some reading and the most identical...
I have a female Apistogramma Agassizzi who has some spots and irregularities on her flanks, on both sides. I bought her in May with a male. They are in a 300L tank, very well managed.
KH3, GH5, 25°C, no nitrite and no nitrate, well planted, well filtered etc... with corydoras and ember...
I lost the 1 female Macmasteri and 1 the male Agassizii the 40G breeder tank I think might be the Panda Garra that stressed them because he is chasing everyone (he was living on the tank already) so I'm taking him out this weekend. But I have no idea what happened with the male Cacatuoides on...
Hi, I have a 20 gal with some tetras and a agassizii apisto, I added a female today and about 3 minutes after adding her j noticed some Ich/ white spots on her, I have caught her out and will treat but do you think I have infected my tank?
Currently I have a pair of Apistogramma Macmasteris and Agassiziis. I want to buy a pair/trio/colony of Trifasciatas. Would you recommend buying mora than 3? Also can I have a trio or a colony of Agassiziis or would it be too many? And if so can any of those Apisto species coexist in the same...
Hello, first time poster. I bought 4 A. Agassizii (Red) at the LFS and have only had them in my tank for a little over a day. Comparing it to other pictures of Apistos posted on here I am unsure now whether it is an Agassizii that just needs to get adjusted to my aquarium or is a whole other...
Hi, I just received my new Agassizzi Fire Red. It should be a pair: male + female. I'm not sure which one is male and which one is female, can you help with this issue?
First two photos: bigger fish, aproximately 5 cm now
3rd picture: smaller fish, aproximataly 3 cm now:
Last picture...
Hi Experts,
I have Apistogramma Agassizii fry which are about 3 weeks old.
Initially I was feeding micro worms for say the first week, then a mix of micro worms and BBS, and now predominantly BBS twice a day.
I'm wondering:
1) what is best to feed them at this age?
2) and is there an...
Hi Apisto Experts!
I'm planning a new Apisto tank (~18gal/69liter) for my Apistogramma Agassizii pair
One key point is a sand substrate, I have read that a sand substrate (~0.5mm silica sand ie filter sand) is best for apisto and their natural sifting behavior.
I have never used a sand...
About 3 weeks ago I bought a pair of Apistogramma Agassizii. :)
I placed them into a 9gal quarantine tank with 5 existing ember tetra as dithers. The QT tank is bare bottom with sponge filter, ceramic cave, small rock with anubias on it, and I later added a piece of wood covered in java moss...