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Hi everyone,
I’ve currently got a Rio Negro based tank. Inhabitants include tucano tetras, cardinals, false rummynose, adolphoi cories and checkerboard cichlids.
I really like Agassizii apistos but I can’t find a Rio Negro colour morph for sale.
Now I know that Agassizii are very polymorphic...
Looking for some insight on what I should do.... figured I came to the right place.
I bought a pair of agassiziis from my LFS, long story short female died within a day, looked sick as soon as I put her in the tank. Bought another "female", not a female.
I had them in a 20g high, noticed it...
Apologies as I note this is a frequently asked question and difficult with this domestic colour morph, is anyone able to help me sex this agassizii fire gold.
I have a definite male in a separate tank, however I am unsure on the fish in question (pictures below). Cannot tell if it is a female...