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Search results

  1. T

    stocking a new tank

    Thanks for the reply. The Paracyprichromis nigripinnis are lovely looking fish but I think hard to come by round here to, shame. Maybe I'll keep an eye open. What sort of numbers should I be looking at, bearing in mind the tank's only 3ft long?
  2. T

    stocking a new tank

    hello people. we're starting a rift lake tank soon and could do with some help. we have 2 julidochromis ornatus already, living in a community tank (it's a long story). so far there hasn't been any bother but we think they'd be better in a proper african setup. we were thinking of maybe a pair...
  3. T

    multi-species harem?

    hello. just wondering what the chances are of a female agassizi becoming part of a cactuoides harem? our male agassizi sadly passed away, leaving his lass to the mercies of the cac trio who share the tank. Is it possible the cacs could accept her as part of their crew or will she just be...
  4. T

    territory size

    hmm..so everything was going smoothly, but then the cacs decided they wanted more territory and set about the task of acquiring it. Gradually they claimed more and more caves, then about 2 days ago they finally ousted the agassizis from the last corner they had managed to cling to. How bad is...
  5. T

    territory size

    further developments - realised that 2 of the rocks were probably limestone but because one was red I didn't think it would be. It was the fossils that gave them away - doh! taken them out so we'll see what happens, I'll do a test in a day or so. also found this crazy piece of driftwood which...
  6. T

    territory size

    Hello again. Regarding the rock, I did have one in there that suspiciously metal-looking veins running though it so I took that out. We did another test and it appears to have dropped. My girlfriend's always claiming that I'm a bit colourblind as well! she reckoned it was no higher than about...
  7. T

    territory size

    well here's the latest incarnation, it now has java moss and oak leaves. some of them havn't sunk yet as you can see, the apistos have now sorted out territories though so I'm happy. For some reason, however, pH has got high. I'm sure I havn't got any rocks in there that could have it, might it...
  8. T

    territory size

    that's great, ta. I've just been out and collected a bagful of large oak leaves, they're currently soaking as the first time I put them in the tank (after scalding them), they floated. I've shifted the decor in the tank around now and added a few extra rocks. Some of the caves are not visible in...
  9. T

    territory size

    thanks for all that. I must say I've never thought of using dead leaves as cover, would you just scald them to sterilise them? I have since added a few rocks to the left side and a cave using a piece of slate, still trying to work something out for the right. The piece of bogwood you can see on...
  10. T

    territory size

    hello, just wondering if anyone can give me a rough idea how large the territories are likely to be for agassizi and cacatuoides? we have a 200L tank and were thinking about getting a pair of each. There's plenty of cover, plants, wood etc. any advice would be appreciated thanks