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Search results

  1. M

    Setting up a planted 55 gal. advice please?

    Farm, I rechecked my water values this morning. Tap water aged for 2 days resulted in these readings......... Ph - 7.05 Conductivity - 483 Kh - 70mg
  2. M

    Setting up a planted 55 gal. advice please?

    thats 550 on the conductivity monitor. :)
  3. M

    Setting up a planted 55 gal. advice please?

    aged tap is 7.8 and kh is about 550. Spring
  4. M

    My first Apistos!

    Ok, that didn't work. How'd you post your picture? Spring :)
  5. M

    My first Apistos!

    locus, the shape is the same as my macmasteri, but the coloring is a little different. I'm new to apistos also. I'll try to post a pic of mine. Spring :)
  6. M

    Setting up a planted 55 gal. advice please?

    Thanks Rick, Yes the emporer 270's are hob box filters. I have a fluval 404 canister I can move to this tank., although it seems to have a strong output. Maybe I can restrict the flow somehow. I am aware that there is Co2 loss with excessive surface aggitation. The yeast Co2 is temporary. I'll...
  7. M

    Setting up a planted 55 gal. advice please?

    Right now there are two emporer 270's on the tank. I moved my africans from this tank to a 90 gal. yesterday. Planning on dwarf sa's. I might move a pair of adult discus that I have that have shown no breeding interest in there too, if they'll do allright with the dwarves. I'll fill the tank...
  8. M

    Setting up a planted 55 gal. advice please?

    Ok, here's what I have: 220 watts of vho flourescent lighting. 2, Nutrafin Co2 systems (yeast type, with difuser rated @ 20 gal. ea.) 30 pounds flourite 30 pounds aquarium gravel My plan so far is to build a terrace using wood or stone, mixing the flourite with some of the gravel if...
  9. M

    Thanks to Neil!

    Randall, Thanks, I like the leaves too. Really gives the tank a natural look. Spring is my REAL name. I was born on the first day of spring. Pretty creative of my parents, to come up with that waaaay back in the '50's! :lol: Spring :D
  10. M


    I had a 35 gallon tank that had an algae bloom a few days after adding a plant food. I used a HOT magnum micron filter to remove it. I had to clean the cartridge a couple times during the process, but it worked well. Spring
  11. M


    I'm with farm41, I asked for and got a 4500 watt generator for xmas. Luckily I haven't needed it yet, but here in kentucky we've been hit pretty hard with ice from this storm. I think the worse is over. It's a good feeling when you can "laugh at mother nature" and say, let it come! :lol: Spring
  12. M

    leaf litter

    heslipst, I'm using oak leaves in my tank. They kind of curl up and make great hiding places. If you'll look at the post titled "thanks to Neil" in this section, you'll find a link to pics of my tank with the leaves. I think it really adds that "natural" feel to the tank. hth, Spring
  13. M

    Thanks to Neil!

    I just wanted to publicly express my gratitude to Neil for the beautiful fish and great service which I received this week. I know I bugged the heck out of him, with all my emails full of questions, but he was quick to reply to even the most basic of questions. The fish I received are absolutely...
  14. M

    Aspio Biotope

    Thanks guys, It just so happens that there are a couple of gigantic oak trees, right next door to me. I'm gonna get a basket and go "leaf collecting" tomorrow! Thanks, Spring
  15. M

    New to Apisto's

    Neil, I'll try to get a clear shot of the little female as soon as I can. She's rather elusive and stays hid a lot. Spring
  16. M

    Aspio Biotope

    Neil, What effects would the leaf litter have on the water quality? Effects on ph? Higher nitrates or anything. Would more frequent water changes be needed? Are the leaves just left to deteriorate and more added when needed? How thick would you want the layer of leaves to be? I'm very interested...
  17. M

    New to Apisto's

    It worked!
  18. M

    New to Apisto's

    Thanks Neil, I posted 2 more pics @ http://www.aquaforums.com/forums/index.php?s=9d61a84d3bf622e26dab1c05609cd6a4&act=ST&f=23&t=2025&st=0&#entry15610
  19. M

    New to Apisto's

    Thanks for the speedy replies guys. I must admit my photography basically sucks. But I'll give it another try, and post a couple more pics this evening. Meanwhile I'll give a go at trying to link to...
  20. M

    New to Apisto's

    I've posted a photo of the male fish @ Aquaforums.com under the photos section if anyone cares to take a peek. Spring