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New Member
I currently have a 252L (105 x 40 x 60cm) tank set up with rock and wood as a hardscape and slowly becoming more planted.

Current stocking:
Pair of Apistogramma Agassizii Fire Gold
11 Cardinal Tertas
6 Harlequin Rasboras
6 Guppys
6 Corydoras
1 Bristlenose
5 Amano Shrimp

I was wanting to know what else I could add here, I've been looking at either GBR or Cacatuoides and a Betta.

The agassi pair I have are very placid, and only have an issue with the Cory's getting too close to them sometimes. I'm aware a lot is down to the personality of the individual fish but I have provided plenty of hiding spaces and wondered if anyone saw any potential issues with this stocking or could provide recommendations on which cichlid would be best?


New Member
Photo of the tank after set up. More plants are in there now.


Well-Known Member
You're overstocked in the lower regions as is, don't add any more cichlids. I find the structural aspects of the tank
already a bit thin. You could add more structure. The main error is people think they have to provide caves. Nope. The fish need to be able to evade each other. A cave is a trap. The trick is to break the lines of sight in the 10-15cm directly above the ground, as that's the usual swimming hight of dwarf cichlids. Preferrably put such a block in from glass to glass.
If these rocks are seiryu or something similar replace them, they usually push hardness and pH up.

On the topic of several species of dwarf cichlids. Under no circumstances in a tank under 150cmx60cm footprint and an advanced structural layout.

The agassi pair I have are very placid, and only have an issue with the Cory's getting too close to them sometimes. I'm aware a lot is down to the personality of the individual fish but I have provided plenty of hiding spaces and wondered if anyone saw any potential issues with this stocking or could provide recommendations on which cichlid would be best?
The problem wit the combination of dwarf cichlids and catfish I disussed here. (Please click green link.)

I personally would remove all catfish. And the guppies. Or the dwarf cichlids. Apistogramma are no community tank-fish anyways. Especially not if one adds females. Once you have a brooding female Apistogramma ALL fish in the tank will be subject to aggression and stress. And community tanks (if you take the definition of a mish-mash of species regardless of origin and requirements) are usually just a bad compromise for all fish involved from the start.

Sorry to pop a bubble here, you've been badly advised up to this point.

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