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  • Hi Darrel, i know its a long shot but do you by anychance still have splash tetras for sale?
    thanks dw1305. i've been reading your posts, threads for months n find your take particularly informative n in line with my own thinking - is it a british thang?! ecology of planted aquarium chick - d walstaad? for eg - v influenced by her philosophy n i c you've ref'd her few times. anyway, keep 'em coming - i know i'm not alone in the dw appreciation society n just wanted to say thank you! bc :-D
    hello I am wondering if you could help me find a pair of ivanacara adoketa? I live in edinburgh and dont really know where to begin a search. thanks very much my email is: [email protected]
    Hi DW just a quick note to say i have just bought my first fish for my new tank 5x German blue rams plus 5x apisto.honsloi and 4 corydoras they should be with me Wed. a.m. I will put the corys in my old tank until new tank has had fish in for a couple of weeks and there is a bit more for them to eat .thanks for contact . sally123.(real name Pete.)sally is my dog.
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