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  • Tom,

    I think you already got this message in a direct email from me, but, just in case,

    Check this page for my probable list www.dwarfcichlid.com/Dwarf_cichlids_for_sale.php This is a list of what I think I will have. Most pairs are around $22 or so but the "abacaxiz" will be more. It will be another 6 weeks or so before I ship anything out.

    Let me know if you have questions

    Bob, Do you also sell Apisto's? I have been checking the site. The Best ones I have seen so far are from Apisto Dave.
    And from Bev. I am going to put an order togehter in the next Month or so. For myself and a fellow hobbyist. Just trying to research and see who I would like to order from. If possible plaese send me a current list of avail. and prices. Thank You! Thomas
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