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Just wondering if the two fish in the picture are males or a male and a female. The red one has been chasing the yellow one around quite a bit, but I have seen them go into the apistos cave together. I'm just confused to what the sexes are for sure.. These are younger fish, btw.
Right is a male and so is the one on the left. The lack of dark front edges on the ventral fins for the left fish points to a male. Also, young female will never have that much color on the unpaired fins. Only when females get much older would the color comes through like a male.
Darn! Well, thanks for the fast reply! It is appreciated. Would you happen to know anywhere I can get a female or two Apisto. c. 'super red'? I'm thinking about just getting some female double reds to go with the male super reds.
Fancy domestic strain females can have a lot of color, and are more confusing to determine sex than wild-type varieties. I think it's possible your yellow one could be female; the dark front edge on pelvic fins can come and go with mood. Does that one sometimes show a dark edge?
I think it does sometimes show a dark edge, but I haven't paid close attention to it as of yet. I have noticed though that whenever the yellow one comes around to the red one, the red one stops, puts its dorsal fins up and slowly swims to the yellow one and then either tail slaps it or chases it to the other side of the tank. Over and Over again. Sometimes the yellow one will put its dorsal fins up and stand its ground, but never for very long.
I have to agree with gerald. Domestic color-enhanced strains can be hard to sex, especially when young. The behavior of the fish seems to indicate typical courtship behavior, but the (presumed) female isn't ready yet, so the male tries to chase her out of his territory - the entire tank.