I just got my water tested and my Nitrite is at a danger level according to the test strip. My PH is at 8.0 but the water is alkaline and fairly hard. What should I do about the Nitrite and what can I use to get the water softer. Thanks for any replies. Since this is my first post I also let you guys know the size and occupants of my tank and I would like to add that I'm very new to cichlids but find myself quiet a lot on the internet lately to do research about them. And that's how I found out about this website.
My tank is 30 gallon 4 feet long 14 inches high and about 10 inches deep. I have in there right now 3 blue Gouramies, 3 Buenos Aires Tetras, 2 Angel, 1 Chinese algea eater and one Firemouth cichlid about 1 1/2 inches big. I found some Altispinosa's in my LFS and would like to add a pair as soon as I get my water in better condition. My tank is also set up with artifical plants and I'm building them more caves right now which will go in the water by next week so I should have about 4 caves then. That's all for right now please help me out with my water problem. Thanks
My tank is 30 gallon 4 feet long 14 inches high and about 10 inches deep. I have in there right now 3 blue Gouramies, 3 Buenos Aires Tetras, 2 Angel, 1 Chinese algea eater and one Firemouth cichlid about 1 1/2 inches big. I found some Altispinosa's in my LFS and would like to add a pair as soon as I get my water in better condition. My tank is also set up with artifical plants and I'm building them more caves right now which will go in the water by next week so I should have about 4 caves then. That's all for right now please help me out with my water problem. Thanks