Hey guys, been breeding T.candidi for about a year or so now. I have only ever bred 4 males out of 6-7 batches of fry. I know most think temps are the reason for this, but I have tried dropping temps with no effect. Anyway this recent batch I had produced a lot of deformed fry. They all have bent/crooked spines. Probably more than 50% of the fry are effected. Has anyone seen this before? I kinda assumed that it may be due to lack of genetic diversity? With them producing so few males maybe even before I got them they were quite inbred? However I’m surprised at the amount to go from none in other batches straight to maybe over 50% of fry, I would assume it would be only a few and build with each batch.. could there be another reason? This was the batch I tried 22-23 degrees C with and I have only found one male. Who unfortunately has a bent spine. Anyway here is an image to show an example. I have separated the male and female that produced these bent fry partering him up with another female from another batch.. but I am pretty limited as they have already all come from a single sibling pair. Anyway any discussion would be valued.