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Just want to share, I have a pair of Cacatuoides, Bozo and Bozette. Yesterday I noticed Bozette was bloated, so I set Bozette's hospital tank next to the aquarium, and Bozo has been hanging out next to her the whole time.
Just an update. After two weeks of Kanaplex in the hospital tank, Bozette went back into the community. I figured by then whatever caused the bloating was probably gone, and if she was going to die, might as well be with her community. After one day back, she was eating and pooping again. She hadn't been at all during her hospital stay. Her stomach is still enlarged but her scales are all back to normal and color is returning more every day. Didn't expect such a positive result.
Great news! Bloating in Apistos (and soft-water dwarf cichlids in general) tends to be more difficult to treat than in larger cichlids and hard-water cichlids. I've seen few Apistos recover from it. Of course bloating is a symptom, not a specific disease, and might have a wide range of causes - some infectious and some environmental. Will certainly keep Kanaplex in mind. Thanks for the follow-up report,