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Pair or Trio Apisto Borelli


New Member
Hello everyone,

Right now, I have a batch of juvenile Apistogramma Borelli in my 60L tank which i'm gonna sell this week to my LFS.

I was planning on keeping a pair but i've been fantasazing about keeping a trio (1M2F).

I know only a pair is recommended for this volume. But knowing that my tank is very heavily planted, that they would have been born together in this exact tank and that I don't plan on breeding them : do you think I could try the experience ?


New Member
I though that if I don't feed the occasional spawn with adequate food they will not survive ? So I could keep a pair but not breed them.


5 Year Member
I though that if I don't feed the occasional spawn with adequate food they will not survive ? So I could keep a pair but not breed them.
You'll probably end up with stunted fish that you won't get rid of.


New Member
You'll probably end up with stunted fish that you won't get rid of.

Can you explain more please ? you mean young fry ?

Of course if some fry survive by finding enough microorganism in the tank, i would feed them accordingly before giving them away.

I don't understand what you mean ?


5 Year Member
I don't understand what you mean ?

Just saying, deficits in growth at a young age can't be compensated later.
So if your plan is to get rid of them by starvation at young age, the ones that make it might turn out
having bad eye size to body ratio for example.
And since it's not a rare species, why would anyone want to take those fish then.

I'd rather remove the eggs instead.


Well-Known Member
The common term in English is "runt". Yes, it might happen, it might also happen that only one or two make it and those are badass hardy.

Anyhow, life finds a way. On the other hand, be glad it's not Pelvicachromis pulcher or the like, which can bring through significant numbers of healthy offspring even with specialized fish eaters int the tank. One of our customers had them (for whatever reason) in a 600 liter Malawi tank with Nimbochromis and other Haps big enough to eat the parents. They managed to become the most numerous species in the tank still.

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roekste wrote on Josh's profile.
Good morning, Please can you delete the new members that is spamming the forum. Its all crazy.
Thank you.
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Hi I didn’t know if you still have any of the Apistogramma Cuipeua?
Would be interested if so.
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Hi guys I'm new in this page, I'm having trouble with one of my apistogramma agassizii pairs the seem not to be coupling up , I'm using the exact same tank that I've use in the past to couple a pair successfully