If they hatch OK and then die, it sounds like either a water quality or disease problem (bacteria? fungi?). If the eggs went bad from moisture or other reasons, they just wouldn't hatch.
That was exactly my reasoning and since I did everything as I normally do (including bleaching the bottle every one and a half weeks or so) I figured the water should be the cause. I'm not convinced though, today I harvested from a bottle where I used different salt and no dechlorinator and it was quite good, although there was also some dead. But then this bottle had formed the yellow stuff that normally forms when the bottle needs to be cleaned.
The salt I use contains sodium ferrocyanide as anti-caking agent, could that affect the viability of the BBS?
It's quite difficult to figure out, since there are a couple of variables (and even more combinations) that can be changed and it takes two days before I know the result of a change. Ideally I would set up 4 bottles each with different content but I don't have space for that.