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Male Viejita with Female Cacatuoides, help!


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5 Year Member
someone can help me? I've a problem!
Due to an error of the seller i've in my tank a "strange couple" of Apistogramma:

1 Male Viejita

1 Female Cacatuoides

They can live together? Problems may arise?

what suggest to do?

Thanks in advance to all


New Member
5 Year Member
Melbourne, Australia
Odd Couple

I wouldnt imagine you would have too much trouble, if any at all - but I have never kept viejeta. The big problem you face I would suspect is that of hybridisation. I had a cacatuoides female cavorting with a make jurensis (very similar fish). I thought I had destroyed all the eggs but some survived. These are now housed (I figured they'd earned their existence) in my main community tank where they can live out their days. Nothing that is spawned in this tank survives for long - its just a free feed for the other inhabitants.


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5 Year Member
nothing to worry about

i know how u feel, i have triple reds cockatoo's (1 male, 2 females) and viejita (a male, a female) in my 75gal tank. they all get along just fine, i think u just need to add more to the tank and keep consistancy on your water parimeters. other fishes i have in there are 1 botia loach, 1 clown loach, 65 cardinal tetra's and alot of plants. i just need to make more room for caves, pots, etc. at least one for each female.


New Member
5 Year Member
wow 65 cardinals that tank must be an amzing looking tank.
those are both lovely fish as well mate


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5 Year Member
different species of apisto's in on tank

update on my 75 gal planted tank. i now have still 65 cardinal tetra, 1 male & 1 female cockatoo (triple red), 1 female a. vejita, & 6 juvenile a. pandurini's.
also, 3 siamese algae eaters, 15-20 otos.

my female cockatoo just laid her eggs last night inside a pot i put in bout 4 days ago. i got rid of the clown loach and the botia loach (they eat all the blood worms (food), & dominant my tank) afraid they might eat the eggs or hatchlings. all i do for maintenance is water changes (50/50 tap/r.o. water), maybe 20%-%40 once or twice per week depending on how much i feed, or how dirty the tank looks. including fertilizer for my plants daily, i use homemade diy co2 injection which is prepared every 10-15 days. im still new to apisto's & planted tanks, this is my first observation of eggs being present, & first aquascaping project.

i feel in love w/ these fishes soon as i found out there perfect for a planted tank & began my research 1-2 months ago, & know that this is just the beginning to many more successful apisto projects. when i come home from a long days work, just watching/observing/caring for my apisto planted tank calms/relaxes me. in a way its paying me back for a hard days work, its very therapeutic for me.

right now i need suggestions/advice on getting my female cacatuiodes eggs to hatch. i'm having doubts, heard 1st batch has a slim chance off being successful, due to female/male lack of experience

-what is a perfect temp, ph, gh, kh to keep for eggs to hatch? (heard the amount of males to females is dependent up on temperature. higher the temp more males, something like that.


New Member
5 Year Member
Hi Apistoboi your tank sounds amazing! any chance of some pictures?? would love to see it. Good luck with hatching!

Sorry Jekoz for crashing you thread lol

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
update on my 75 gal planted tank. i now have still 65 cardinal tetra, 1 male & 1 female cockatoo (triple red),...

my female cockatoo just laid her eggs last night inside a pot ...

right now i need suggestions/advice on getting my female cacatuiodes eggs to hatch. i'm having doubts, heard 1st batch has a slim chance off being successful, due to female/male lack of experience

-what is a perfect temp, ph, gh, kh to keep for eggs to hatch? (heard the amount of males to females is dependent up on temperature. higher the temp more males, something like that.

I really don't think that you need to worry about the eggs. Female A. cacatuoides (especially wild forms) are good parents. If she isn't bothered, she will hatch them out and get the fry to the freeswimming stage. Then the problem begins. I doubt that you will see many fry survive. The 65 Cardinal Tetras will probably find and eat every one. There is no way 1 female apisto can protect her fry from so many fry predators, even in a heavily planted tank.

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Please send me info regarding cuipeua. Thx, Joe.
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Where are you located?