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Male? Female?


New Member
When apistos start getting territorial any fish at the bottom is getting the short end.
There is a reason the consensus here on the forum is to keep Apistogramma on their own or only with carefully chosen tankmates. They are not community tank material. At best a biotope community with them as the only bottomdwellers.
Ok noted. Are you good a telling males and females apart? Because I have post where I'm asking what mine are. I think they're females but I'm new to them and I have no idea. I know the "for sure male" (that's what I was told by the store) looks nothing like the males I've seen online and here. My other one looks like him but I have been noticing that it turns halfway on its side and then swims to one of the caves but gets completely ignored by the other. I swear to my eyesight they look the same though and I've had them for about a month (I don't know their age) and no color changes has happened in either. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Are you good a telling males and females apart? Because I have post where I'm asking what mine are.
I've seen your post, the domestic strain you got is my bane. I can ID mature males (as I did in one of your threads), but that's it.
You got a manmade breed, which is known to be hard to sex as juveniles and which I - frankly - detest to the bone. Hence I never bothered learning to sex them.

Also it's bad form to hijack other people's threads. So maybe ask in your own thread again.


New Member
I've seen your post, the domestic strain you got is my bane. I can ID mature males (as I did in one of your threads), but that's it.
You got a manmade breed, which is known to be hard to sex as juveniles and which I - frankly - detest to the bone. Hence I never bothered learning to sex them.

Also it's bad form to hijack other people's threads. So maybe ask in your own thread again.
I wasn't intentionally hijacking anyone's thread I was asking a genuine question. However I will leave this group because I don't want to he depicted as someone like that. I've only made one post and I don't know what other thread you're talking about that I've posted and you responded to. I'm not that type of person at all and I'm new to all of this. Thanks for you help.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what other thread you're talking about
I just realized that thread wasn't your's, but there was a clear male A. agassizii fire red in it. I must have mixed that up.
It was this one:

I wasn't intentionally hijacking anyone's thread I was asking a genuine question.
I know, still... The moment you changed the topic from gourami + Apistogramma to sexing your own fish was when I just wanted to give you the hint to move that question to the other thread. Nevertheless I was so fair to tell you that I don't have anything to say, as I have a problem with that breed of A. agassizii you got, so I didn't answer in your thread.


New Member
I just realized that thread wasn't your's, but there was a clear male A. agassizii fire red in it. I must have mixed that up.
It was this one:

I know, still... The moment you changed the topic from gourami + Apistogramma to sexing your own fish was when I just wanted to give you the hint to move that question to the other thread. Nevertheless I was so fair to tell you that I don't have anything to say, as I have a problem with that breed of A. agassizii you got, so I didn't answer in your thread.
Ok I understand where you were coming from.

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
When sexing domestic strains where females can develop physical and visual male characteristics, it often requires time and observing behavior (which comes with experience). These cannot be seen photographically.

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Ada_1022 wrote on hongyj's profile.
Hi I didn’t know if you still have any of the Apistogramma Cuipeua?
Would be interested if so.
Bill D. wrote on Apistoguy52's profile.
Looking for Dicrossus Maculatus. Do you have any?
Hi guys I'm new in this page, I'm having trouble with one of my apistogramma agassizii pairs the seem not to be coupling up , I'm using the exact same tank that I've use in the past to couple a pair successfully
jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Please send me info regarding cuipeua. Thx, Joe.
jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Where are you located?