Hi everyone, I am currently looking to get a pair of rarer/uncommon apistos. I've looked online a ton but can't seem to find any that really strike my fancy. some of the ones I'm looking into are Apistogramma Elizabethae, Apistogramma Mendezi, Apistogramma kullanderi, Apistogramma Alto Tapiche, and Apistogramma Abacaxis. I'm making this post to see if anyone has and is looking to sell or knows of anyone or any stores who have. I am also totally open to suggestions as to other types of apistos to look into. thanks for your guy's help!
Edit: I realize I forgot to put where I am located. I am in New York, U.S. about an hour away from NYC
Edit: I realize I forgot to put where I am located. I am in New York, U.S. about an hour away from NYC
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