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Jay's Planted 180g Tank


New Jersey
Well after the heartbreak of losing my male from my pairs of A. borelli and A. hongsloi I decided to keep the females together in the 180g planted tank. Luckily the female A. borelli and A. hongsloi weren't aggressive toward each other at all. In my travels I bought another two A. borelli sold as a pair but immediately realized they were two males. Now they do tend to bicker and dominance of one over the other is already clear but they are usually short chase with the female A. borelli paying no mind to either.

The female apistos seem to be feisty enough to driveway the large Electric Blue Acara's without much fuss but the male A. borelli are still too young and mostly ignored...LOL



New Jersey
Managed to pick up a pair of A. hongsloi from a LFS $45 for the pair but I thought just sitting in front of the tank the males were clearly distinguishable but what was being sold as females were just younger fry. No that I have them home it looks like they are both males time will tell for sure but we will see. The same thing happen with the A. borelli I bought there definitely ended up with two males.


New Jersey
nice tank! what are the plants? what type of light do you use? do you use CO2?

Oh man the short answers first because I'm a bit of a collector of plants.
Lights - 4 80w T5HO staggered to cover the 6 foot length (bulbs are only 58in or so.)
Co2 - is pressurized Co2 injection Milwaukee regulator and PH controller into an inline Atomizer on a Fluval 404/405

Flora - oh boy (Please ignore the numbers they go to a picture I don't have upload.)
#31 Alternanthera reineckii ''roseafolia''
#00 Alternanthera mini reineckii (floating around the tank)
#29 Anubias nana
#7 Anubias nana petite
#2 Bolbitis heudelotii
#12 Bolbitis heudelotii Cuspidata "mini"
#4 Cryptocoryne var. cordata 'blassii' (has a pattern like nurii to me)
#1 Cryptocoryne spiralis
#16 Cryptocoryne wendtii
#28 Cryptocoryne wendtii green gecko
#8 Cryptocoryne wendtii tropica mixed with C. florida sunset
#32 Cyperus helferi
#34 Eichhornia Diversifolia
#27 Echinodorus parviflorus var. tropica
#3 Fissiden Fontanus
#00 Hygrophila corymbosa (between 1 and 9)
#33 Limnophila aromatica
#23 Lobelia cardinalis
#11 Ludwigia glandulosa
#19 Ludwigia sphaerocarpa
#15 Ludwigia simpsonii x repens
#17 Marsilea minuta
#14 Microsorum pteropus red
#26 Rotala indica (Ammania sp. 'Bonsai')
#35 Rotala rotundifolia
#36 Polygonum sp. ‘Kawagoeanum’
#9 Proserpinaca palustris
#22 Staurogyne repens
#10 Bucephalandra brownie ghost (Darek's)
#00 Bucephalandra brownie ghost
#24 Bucephalandra brownie red
#5 Bucephalandra brownie blue
#00 Bucephalandra blue devil (to right of #8 )
#20 Bucephalandra theia 5
#6 Bucephalandra Pixy
#18 Bucephalandra black catherine
#21 Bucephalandra mini fake catherine
#13 Bucephalandra sekadau
#00 Bucephalandra red sword (floating around the tank somewhere)
#25 Bucephalandra mystery


New Jersey
It's been a while unfortunately I'm down to my last Apisto. A LFS is getting more in before the end of the month so it may be time to stock up. I miss their personality in the tank. The tank got a bit of a make over before the New Year and I've been tinkering with it ever since redoing my pots and clearing up some of my collection.

This is a work in progress... (This video is 2 weeks old)

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Working on the spam issues. Just set up a new add-on that should help tremendously. Thanks for your continued patience!!! And thanks for donating!
roekste wrote on Josh's profile.
Good morning, Please can you delete the new members that is spamming the forum. Its all crazy.
Thank you.
I'm looking for quality apistogrammas, can anyone recommend a good seller specialized in apistogrammas who ships in Europe? Thanks
Ada_1022 wrote on hongyj's profile.
Hi I didn’t know if you still have any of the Apistogramma Cuipeua?
Would be interested if so.
Bill D. wrote on Apistoguy52's profile.
Looking for Dicrossus Maculatus. Do you have any?