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How many and which breed in 60l


New Member
Hi I got a 60l (15,85 gal) long planted heated tank with 6 corydoras 6 chili rasboras and 2 nerite snails, I really like apistogramma and I'd like to add some, but I read that they might be aggressive so I got some questions:
-should I get only one male or a male and a female?
-which breed would u suggest?


Well-Known Member
Definitely only a single male. Without a second tank for separation a tank that size is a death trap for a female if she's not immediately ready to breed.
The species is open still, first some infos have to be cleared.

What species of Corydoras do you have? Smaller species like Gastrodermus pygmaeus or Hoplosoma habrosum may fall into bite-size for some Apistogramma, as do the Boraras.
What substrate do you have in the tank?
What are GH, KH and pH?
Can you post a picture of the tank?


Well-Known Member
I was able to keep . Apistogrammoides pucallpaensis in a 10 with success; they are not a blackwater fish. However as @MacZ noted the cory might be an issue - of course i can't really think of any species including pygmy that do well in a 15 so there is also that aspect.

If you want a male only borelli are your best bet - both borelli and pucallpaensis would be happy in neutral water with tds around 80-150 range. That is not a precise range but just my experience with them. I would not keep anything larger than a borelli in such a small aquarium.


New Member
Definitely only a single male. Without a second tank for separation a tank that size is a death trap for a female if she's not immediately ready to breed.
The species is open still, first some infos have to be cleared.

What species of Corydoras do you have? Smaller species like Gastrodermus pygmaeus or Hoplosoma habrosum may fall into bite-size for some Apistogramma, as do the Boraras.
What substrate do you have in the tank?
What are GH, KH and pH?
Can you post a picture of the tank?
I got adult albino corydoras, I got a thin gravel as substrate, 7 pH, 10 GH


  • 20240831_213239.jpg
    4 MB · Views: 31


Well-Known Member
Is there a chance of you removing the skull and other artificial decorations? Besides the fact the fish can get stuck in them (seen that often with Corydoras) and them taking away space on the bottom (which the catfish and dwarf cichlids need). The gravel layer is also not optimal.

Honestly... I'd just make the tank more suitable for the fish you have, stock up their numbers and leave the idea of a dwarf cichlid for another tank.


New Member
Is there a chance of you removing the skull and other artificial decorations? Besides the fact the fish can get stuck in them (seen that often with Corydoras) and them taking away space on the bottom (which the catfish and dwarf cichlids need). The gravel layer is also not optimal.

Honestly... I'd just make the tank more suitable for the fish you have, stock up their numbers and leave the idea of a dwarf cichlid for another tank.
I keep those decoration as a cave to let fishes hide and they use it a lot, they aren't sharp at all and never found a fish stuck, do you think I should remove it? As for the apisto, it's sad I can't get them but I'll leave the idea if they won't be happy in my tank, I'll search for another center piece, thank you


Well-Known Member
I keep those decoration as a cave to let fishes hide and they use it a lot,
I know and I can imagine, since they haven't many alternatives.

they aren't sharp at all and never found a fish stuck, do you think I should remove it?
Sharp edges are not what I meant, but stuck fish. It may not yet have happened to you, but I see it all the time, people having a skull or a treasurebox or a shipwreck in their tank and a fish (usually catfish or cichlids) gets lodged in it and can't be removed. Many people try to put it on a difference in taste, if it was only that I'd ignore it and not mention it. But I have seen so many cases, I recommend either not buying such decorations or trying to get such that have no holes and caves and cravisses.

I personally would remove them because of that and put in some pieces of driftwood as a cover for them. that would give the fish the necessary floorspace.

Mike Wise

Staff member
5 Year Member
Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Fromwillice, if you like your decor then keep it that way. This is supposed to be a fun hobby. Some want to keep tanks as "natural" as possible. Having collected in South America I can assure you that no one would want some of the biotopes where I collected in their tank. If you are not interested in breeding your tank is OK, not perfect but OK. As for an apisto that is regularly available I would only recommend a single male A. borellii (Opal) - and no he won't be lonely by himself.

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Please send me info regarding cuipeua. Thx, Joe.
jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Where are you located?