I am new to this site and to apistos. Had a few tanks with different rasboras, whiteclouds, also shrimp tank and 4 Newts. Recently I've bought couple apistogramma cacatuoides (I have been wanting the for a while) and i think they are already in love. I have them in planted aquarium with lots of structure, caves, wood and plants. I hope i will get them to spawn, and plan to learn a lot more from all of you here.
Best regards
I am new to this site and to apistos. Had a few tanks with different rasboras, whiteclouds, also shrimp tank and 4 Newts. Recently I've bought couple apistogramma cacatuoides (I have been wanting the for a while) and i think they are already in love. I have them in planted aquarium with lots of structure, caves, wood and plants. I hope i will get them to spawn, and plan to learn a lot more from all of you here.

Best regards
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