Hello Community! Quick intro - been in the fish keeping hobby since I was a kid, but didn't have a 'real' tank until I was stationed in the UK while in the Navy. Have really only kept S. American tanks and really enjoy them, but finally starting to venture into new species and setups. Had a 75g w/ sump when I was in the UK and the movers destroyed my sump and stand when I got stationed state-side again, then went on deployment(s) and ultimately sold my setup. Fast forward a bit and here we are. Live in 'middle' Georgia where the closest reputable fish store is at least two hours away, unfortunately... I have a 55g community tank set up with cardinals, few true SAE's, emperor kerri tetras, few rummynose tetras, and half a dozen Sterbai Cory's. Plan is to add Philippine Blue Angels as the center piece fish (maybe 3), but also really would like to have a pair or trio (depending on what's available/recommended) of Apisto Trifasciata. I also have a 20g currently being used as a qt, but eventually, when I can find them, set it up as a breeder for Agassizii Blue Flames... one day. I've read quite a few articles on this forum already and have learned a TON about these awesome fish and look forward to learning more as I go along. Will post a couple pictures of my tank at some point as well... See y'all out there!