I have MacMasteri, Agasizzi, and Hongsloi in three tanks. All tank paremeters are the same. I use R.O. water and my ph is between 5-6, with very little hardness. My agassizii spawned a bunch of times and ate the eggs until they figured it out. I let raise a batch of about 15 fry to 3 weeks old and either the male or the female ate them. I managed to save one but that's it. They haven't spawned since and it's been over a month. The Macmasteri haven't spawned nor the Honglsoi. My tanks are 15 and 20gs with tons of leaf litter, caves, and potted plants. I also grow pothos out of them and the nitrates never build up. The tanks are all at about 80 degrees. I've been feeding all of them tons of live blackworms, white worms. hatched baby brine shrimp, frozen brine shrimp, and Extreme cichlid pellets. They all have great colors and are totally healthy. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I tried doing a few cold water changes to trigger some to spawn but that didn't work either. Between losing that 3 week old batch of fry and only saving one from getting eaten, to having no action in any of the other tanks I'm just at that point I want to pull my hair out. Anything I'm missing or doing wrong?