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My couple Macmasteri spawn form the middle of january till middle of may 5 times.
So onec every 3 weeks. All depends how long the fry survive. When they are death the mother colors normal and after the next water change (with rain water) they spawn again.
This is what my Macmasteris have done and thats the only experience I have.
As macmasteri wrote, it depends on how well the pair are maintained and if they are kept with fry. That being said, fish will age faster/die sooner if continuously bred. I try to keep mine with fry as long as possible to reduce spawns or even separate sexes. 3 - 4 spawns/year is more than enough for me. Using this method I have had 3+ year old fish breed for me.
Thats useful info Mike.
I always thought that it can not be good to spawn so much. So I need a new tank to separate.
Now with my couple Macmasteri I let the fry for 100days together with there parents. In that periode I saw that the female sometime allow the men in here teritory and go back with the men in here cave. That happened once evry month and in that periode shes was chasing afther here own fry.
So do you think she spawn again with the other fry in the same tank and can it be that there are survivors from those spawns? I see that there is a a difference in size of the fry. The most are between 2 and 3 cm butt some are not even 1cm.
Yes, apistos will breed while fry are still in the tank. More often than not they try to drive the older fry away, sometimes killing them in the process. Sometimes the stress just causes the female to eat her new spawn. At times a few of one batch will survive and eventually mix with another batch. I'm pretty sure that this doesn't occur in the wild, but in the confines of an aquarium abnormal behavior occurs.
What should I do in the case, when agassizi female laid eggs in about 2 weeks after the spawn?
I can see a few fry from the previous batch.
What are the chances for them to survive? I can't feed them with bbs anymore, since they're scattered.
The biggest fry in batch was about 4mm.
How do I prevent this from happening again? I can't stick male into quarantine aquarium for month.
Will raising GH stop them from breeding?
(Please, let me know if I'm hijacking the thread.)