I had setup a 29 for a. lineta but they didn't get imported. Currently i see these two fishes available dicrossus filamentosus or dicrossus maculatus
Which one would you recommend and how many for a 29 (blackwater). That is 30 long and 12 wide. They are both wild caubght and withthe filamentosus being columbia and maculatus being brazil. I don't know a lot about these fishes but am placing an order for other fishes and figure i might as well throw in a few of these to include since shipping is already paid. Picture wise the maculatus looks stunning but i know little about their behavior and how many should be put together (esp if unsexed).
Which one would you recommend and how many for a 29 (blackwater). That is 30 long and 12 wide. They are both wild caubght and withthe filamentosus being columbia and maculatus being brazil. I don't know a lot about these fishes but am placing an order for other fishes and figure i might as well throw in a few of these to include since shipping is already paid. Picture wise the maculatus looks stunning but i know little about their behavior and how many should be put together (esp if unsexed).