D39 is another species i'm seeing a lot of people sell that are wc - mostly it is their general availability that has me writing this post. I just want to verify some information - i found an article on Tom's website that seem to suggest they are a blackwater species - but perhaps not pure blackwater given their off trail location - generally found around 82F temp (so a warm water fish); a bit on the aggressive side relative speaking and polygamous (I think not sure on this and not sure 2 females could co-exist in a 29 or 40b given their higher level of aggression). They seem to fall into the bevis group and i see photo in two different colours - the one on tom's site and others that are all blue with a bit different colouring in the fins (not sure if this is the same species at a different age or different colour morph). I guess my question is this information accurate for those who have actually kept the species. I have a 30inchx48inch aquarium and right now i'll probably shoot for a colony of bitaeniata or megapterea since these seem to be less aggressive but until i get the aquarium setup i'm always open to considering other options and having more options in case of availability also comes into play - hence my interest in D39. I hope to start setting it up 2nd week of june and populate it the first week of July in case that matters. I've spent 3 years looking into this option and playing with various 'easy' species to get a learning experience for this setup but it will be my first low ph aquarium. And yes having a species like a. pucallpaensis is cheating since they are very easy to keep - highly recommended for idiots like myself.