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Bolivian Rams were not eating, died


New Member

I have a 75 gallon planted aquarium. I have 35+ cardinal tetras, three Otocinclus, 20+ amano shrimp and two Nannacara anomala (both male as it turned out). I quarantined everyone before introducing to them to the tank, including 4 Bolivian Rams.
In quarantine, the Bolivians were giving me a hard time feeding. Towards the end of quarantine they were eating better, not fantastic, just better. I thought that might be normal for them because I had never kept these before. I heard they might be stressed due to spartan conditions in the quarantine tank, so I decided to introduce them to the big tank. The Nannacaras left them alone, but all too soon I noticed I could not get them to eat. One by one they starved to death, with the last one having died today. I have been working long hours so I noticed today that my Nannacaras are not their active normal selves. They are staying at the bottom and I think one has a cloudy eye. Not sure if this is all related or not.

1) What happened with the Bolivians?? Were they wild caught? Were they sick???

2) Should I be worried about the Nannacaras?

I have only been keeping cichlids for less than a year.


What were you feeding the Bolivians? Yes, it sounds like they were sick

If the nannacara have cloudy eyes that is not a good sign. Any other losses?

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New Member
No other losses.

I was feeding them cichlid flakes, pellets from Bug Bites, or freeze dried shrimp. Sometimes I was trying frozen blood worms or mices. Nothing was getting them excited about food.


If they won’t eat blood worms then they are sick. My go too for any dwarf if nothing else works. Worms and hex are common. Hard to treat and heal by the time you know in my experience

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roekste wrote on Josh's profile.
Good morning, Please can you delete the new members that is spamming the forum. Its all crazy.
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