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Blue Rams



Hi everyone...I have two pair of blue rams that spawn about every two weeks or so. This sounds nice, but everytime they lay eggs, they are a clear color. I think that they are supposed to be yellow, but I'm not sure. Please let me know what color they are supposed to be, and if you know why they are clear eggs. Thanks, Brandon


New Member
Sacramento, Ca.
Welcome! :p I think the eggs are suposed to be clear to a milky color, not yellow. I assume that it depends on anumber of factors, like the food they are eating, water quality, etc. Have you ever had any hatch? What are your pH and hardness levels? Neil


New Member
5 Year Member
Davis, CA
I also have two pairs, and their eggs have been either mostly clear with a slight pink color, or just mostly clear, and one batch has hatched...


Thanks everyone....The reason i thought they were supposed to be yellow was because one of my friends had some that were yellow. Im not sure, but i was just checking to see if anyone had had them spawn and see what color theirs were. My pH is around 6.8 and my temperature is about 76 degrees. Thanks, Brandon


New Member
Sacramento, Ca.
It will go a long way with your Rams if you increase the temp. They prefer much warmer conditions than a lot of tropical fish. I have heard of many people keeping them in the upper 80s, but if you try 82 - 84 degrees I think they will like you for it. :wink:
Also, if you really want the eggs to hatch, I think that you should try lowering your pH a little. You will probably have much better results at a pH of about 6.0. Good luck and keep us updated.


Hello again... My blue ram eggs finally hatched and are free swimming now (2 days old). I have a couple of questions regarding what i should do now. The pair is in their own ten gallon tank. Do you think i should leave the parents with the wigglers or remove them from the tank. Also, what food is good for fish baby fish? One more question is how often should i be doing water changes with the baby fish in the tank? Thanks, and if there is any thing else i should do with these fish please let me know,



Active Member
5 Year Member
toronto, canada
i feed my ram fry tetra baby fish food (egg based). i mix it with a little tank water, and shoot it gently into the cloud of fry. not too much, a little goes a long way. also too much dirties up the tank real fast. bbs is really good too. also mike reeds no bbs fry food is good too, but you need to order some, and you won't have time. try and get some for next time.

water changes should be done very slowly. i use a 1/4" syphon, a piece of 1/4" rigid tubing, with a piece of 1/4" flexible tube shoved onto the end. this is also real handy for cleaning the tank. generally just do a thorough cleaning on the bottom, and replace removed water. cleanliness is everything. watch for planaria. they will eat the fry on you. as for which parent to remove, and when? generally my males were much better patents, and they would chase the female. get her out quick if you see this, he may kill her.



New Member
Sacramento, Ca.
Sorry that we didn't get to you sooner on this. From what you said in your post, I suspect that your fish are not free-swimming yet, but still just wigglers. Did they lay the eggs on Monday or last week?
Anyway, their yolk-sack will sustain them through the first 7-9 days from when they are layed.
If you can get food to them in the first few hours after they are hovering above the ground, you will have the best chance for success. Along with what aspen said, you can try egg-yolk. Put a little near the group and then remove shortly thereafter. Many LFS sell TetraMin Baby Fish Food "E" for Egglayers or Liquifry. This will probably work OK too. You need to give them something pretty small for about a week before the can start on BBS (baby brine shrimp).
Also, when you do water-changes, make sure you are using very similar water to what they are in now. They do not tolerate changes in hardness, pH, etc. very well at all.
If you get them to about 3 weeks old you have way more than half the battle won. Goodluck, Neil

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