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Are there any other Canadians


New Member
Nova Scotia Canada
Hello. I have been wondering if there are any Canadian members that might know we're to find a breeder in Canada.
I am in Maritimes and would like to find some female Apistogramma. Viejuita. Which I believe is species I have .
I have not keep these fish before but I am not new to hobby . I have kept kerbs and Bolivian ram , discus and other cichilds .
My current set up is a 36 long with florite and black moon sand.,drift wood clay pot and it is will planted so plenty Places to hide . Hopefully I can find some one who would be welling to sale me some females for my tank I believe I have two males at present .


New Member
Campbell River BC Canada
Hell Melita. I live on the other coast on Vancouver Island. I am also having a really hard time finding any Apistos. I spoke to my LFS and they said they don't bring them in too often because they sell for $40/fish and not many people are interested in spending that much. I'm trying to find a breeder/seller and get 1-2 pairs of Apisto cacatoides. Let me know if you have any luck finding a supplier and I'll do the same. Good luck!


New Member
Nova Scotia Canada
Ok I will the only breeder I have seen is in Ontario Windsor he has some advertized but is not sure what the shipping cost would be or if it is. Worth doing cost wise You could try him .

Russ Hennessey

5 Year Member
you can check afishionados in Manitoba or Below Water in Montreal both carry apistos sometimes and Below Water only does wild caught exotics.
I also breed Apistos but I am in Vancouver and usually sell locally or to the LFS.


New Member
Nova Scotia Canada
So nice to see there are few Canadians on here I took look at the below waters site and I was very impressed by different variety of fish some I have never seen before. they may be option for me if local vendors cannot get me what I Want. I have ordered from the other guy fishionados before .throught east coast aquarium socity .with good results .


New Member
Campbell River BC Canada
you can check afishionados in Manitoba or Below Water in Montreal both carry apistos sometimes and Below Water only does wild caught exotics.
I also breed Apistos but I am in Vancouver and usually sell locally or to the LFS.

I Russ. I live on Vancouver island but I make it to Vancouver fairly often. I've also been looking for Apistos. What varieties do you have?


New Member
you can check afishionados in Manitoba or Below Water in Montreal both carry apistos sometimes and Below Water only does wild caught exotics.

x2 Oliver of Below Water and Spencer Jack of Afishionados are your best bets. I've dealt with Oliver numerous times over the years, mainly for rare species of piranha. This wild caught specimens never cease to amaze me!
Thinking about contacting him next year for some wild "German" rams. Luckily for me, there's a local cichlid specialized store here in my area.
I'm from Mississauga by the way :)

Russ Hennessey

5 Year Member
I Russ. I live on Vancouver island but I make it to Vancouver fairly often. I've also been looking for Apistos. What varieties do you have?

HI Scott,
Right now I've got honglsoi, panduro and steel blues, at .75-1" length and agassizi red and ortegei along with some Nannacara anomala (golden eye) at .25" . Also am working on macmasteri, cacatuoides, atahualpa, aggie double reds and tefe II but not breeding yet..... lol kind of apisto-addicted at this point.
Cheers Russ
PS - also have 7 Apistogramma sp. putumayo river wc males.... need females and or trades :)

Russ Hennessey

5 Year Member
Hello. I have been wondering if there are any Canadian members that might know we're to find a breeder in Canada.
I am in Maritimes and would like to find some female Apistogramma. Viejuita. Which I believe is species I have .
I have not keep these fish before but I am not new to hobby . I have kept kerbs and Bolivian ram , discus and other cichilds .
My current set up is a 36 long with florite and black moon sand.,drift wood clay pot and it is will planted so plenty Places to hide . Hopefully I can find some one who would be welling to sale me some females for my tank I believe I have two males at present .

Can you post pictures of your Ap. viejita, as they are probably not actually viejita and will be macmasteri. If you are trying to breed them you will want to make sure what species you have. In the trade most fish sold as viejita are actually line bred macmasteri. There are several posts here which will show you what the difference is. Good luck from Vancouver!


New Member
Campbell River BC Canada
I was able to get two male Agassizii double red from Spencer Jack. Unfortunately he didn't have any females but since I've been tryimg to get my hands on Apistos for 5 months I took what I could get. Super happy with the fish from Spencer, he has a pretty nice fish list.

Russ I'm still looking for some females if you have Agassizii double reds?

Russ Hennessey

5 Year Member
I was able to get two male Agassizii double red from Spencer Jack. Unfortunately he didn't have any females but since I've been tryimg to get my hands on Apistos for 5 months I took what I could get. Super happy with the fish from Spencer, he has a pretty nice fish list.

Russ I'm still looking for some females if you have Agassizii double reds?

Hey Scott,
Sorry I just have a pair of fish that I am trying to breed and don't have any extra. I did see some at an LFS in Port Coquitlam,BC (Petland). They may ship for you and I also think that Wetspot tropical fish in Portland has some also. Lastly check Aquabid and they will probably have someone in the US who is selling them.
Cheers Russ

Bart Hazes

Active Member
I'm a new member from Edmonton Alberta with a focus on South American dwarf cichlids, especially Apistos. You guys/galls should know that Curtis Jerrom is a great supplier of small South American uncommon fish, including apistos.

His current dwarf cichlid stock list:
Apistogramma fresa (Strawberry) – wild – medium – 12.50ea (38) - lots of red on cheeks and dorsal [this is A. eremnopyge]
Apistogramma pantalone – 12.50ea (6) - very nice red on the finnage and females are very nicely colored
Apistogramma baenschi – Inka 50 wild – medium – 18.00ea (6)
Apistogramma juruensis –wild- medium – 18.00ea (26)- blue face [this is likely the very similar A. allpahuayo]
Apistogramma abacaxis - wild - 25.00ea (16)- purple throat on males
Apistogramma borelli - 16.00ea (23) - lots of yellow coloration with red specs on cheeks
Apistogramma norberti- wild- large – 18.00ea (20)-red markings on dorsal and lips
Apistogramma cacautoides triple reds- Med- 18.00ea (16)
Dwarf Pike Cichlid – Crenicichla regani -3”– 30.00ea (2) - male and female nicely colored up!

As you can see his prices are very good and he does an excellent job in Quarantining the fish until they are ready for sale. There are at least 4 more apistos that have been ordered but still have to arrive and go through quarantine. His new shipment will also include Biotoecus opercularis which is rare to find for sale. If you like cories, plecos, nannostomus, tetras he has common and uncommon species of those as well. Not as broad a selection as Spencer Jack of Oliver from Below Water but really nice fish for a good price.

Here is my personal current Apisto collection:
Apistogramma macmasteri pair (bred myself from German captive stock)
Apistogramma panduro two trios (bred myself from Asian captive stock)
Apistogramma rubrolineata 2M+3F and ~25 1 week old fry (WC [wild caught])
Apistogramma allpahuayo 2M+F (WC this is the A. juruensis on Curtis' list, I'll add 1 or 2 females soon)
Apistogramma sp. 'Abacaxis' 1M (WC he is a bully and killed his females, Curtis gets them in this month so I can add females)
Apistogramma norberti 5M+1F and I hope to see free swimming fry this weekend (WC I'll add females soon)
Apistogramma pantalone 3M+5F (WC, still not sure if there is A. martini mixed in)
Apistogramma eremnopyge 1M+2F (WC, have had fry but none made it so far)
Apistogramma baenschi 6F (WC, still hoping to add some males)
Apistogramma sp. 'Melgar' 2M+F (WC, spawned a few times but fail when reaching free-swimming stage)
Apistogramma ortegai 2M+2F (WC, I believe one pair has spawned for first time but need to wait for proof by seeing fry)
Apistogramma barlowi 1M (WC, bycatch with eremnopyge, still waiting for a female)

Expected additions later this month are:
more A. sp. 'Abacaxis', A. norberti females, A. allpahuayo females
new A. megastoma (= sp. 'Kelleri' mouthbrooder) and A. uaupesi. If I can find or create space I can get A. huascar and A. atahualpa but I'm running out of tank space.

Non-apisto dwarf ciclids: 2M+4F Dicrossus filamentosus, 1M+2F Dicrossus maculatus, and a single Bujurquina bycatch of undetermined species.

Bart Hazes

Active Member
I've messaged you his email address as I don't like to put other people's contact information out in public without their permission.

Bart Hazes

Active Member
Just heard back from Curtis and all Canadian Apistionados can contact him at [email protected]

He does not have his own website of facebook page and, to my knowledge, only advertises on the Alberta Aquatica forum. I am looking at setting up a website for fish trading myself but that will take some time. If there is a place on this forum to announce what fish are available I could post there when Curtis brings in new apistos.

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Hi guys I'm new in this page, I'm having trouble with one of my apistogramma agassizii pairs the seem not to be coupling up , I'm using the exact same tank that I've use in the past to couple a pair successfully
jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Please send me info regarding cuipeua. Thx, Joe.
jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Where are you located?
Josh wrote on anewbie's profile.
Longtime fish enthusiast for over 70years......keen on Apistos now. How do I post videos?