Hey everyone. Just trying to wrap my head around things. I have 2 tanks devoted to the pair and hoping to raise fry. One is a 20 gallon tall and the other is a 20 gallon long. I plan on swapping out the 20 high soon for either a 16 gallon or 22 gallon either would be 35-36 inches long. Currently in the grow out tank with the juvenile pair of macmasteri are around 12 espei rabsora. I do not plan on making these community tank by any means but have read dithers are good. Is this generally true? Should I put a school of dithers in the 20 long I am currently setting up for them? My general plan is to move them between tanks to get them to spawn in both tanks. Remove male first, remove female when fry start to stray/not school as tightly, and then hope they spawn again in the other tank as the fry grow out in their original tank. Tank has sponge filter and I feed bbs 2x a day. I figure I want to have the second tank on standby regardless as I don’t have another tank I could put the parents in if they start to eat fry or if their is aggression from male to spawn again. Any tips appreciated as this is my first fish breeding attempt