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Apisto iniridae


New Member
Saratoga ,NY
Hey all!
I have had good luck breeding my Apisto iniridae...
Are these fish rare?
I traded some of my fish for them over the summer.
I am told they came from Peter Durkin.
Not to sound rude but I breed and sell fish ,so what are these guys worth?
Will the AquaBid crowd be my best avenue for sale when the time comes?
Thanks in advance for your time,


New Member
Saratoga ,NY
Well yesterday they have spawned for their third time.
I am excited and they have become regular in that their breeding record is 11/21 ,12/4 , 12/18.
It will still be a while before these fish are mature enough for sale or trade, but if any one is interested let me know?

mr. Uaupesi

New Member
Stunning fish! I don't know what kind of price you should go for. Some local breeders here sell most fish for like 15 euros per pair, which seems like a nice price and a bit cheaper than buying from a store.


Active Member
5 Year Member
Hi coralbandit (Tom)+all..

Nice fishes !! I`d say - Keep on breeding them as long as you can+feel for it....

Many wild caught fishes/Apistos show up in the aquarium hobby/markets for some months/years and are then gone "until" next time/catching-season/import.
When I started this hobby, we only had 3-6 Apistos available .. (Agassizzii, cacatouides, borellii, alacrina, bitaeniata..)
Today we often can order 20-40 different species.. and this in a "bad" week...
The thing I have noticed is that many species doesn`t always come back on our purchase/stock-lists as one would assume.. (Only the ones that sells a lot are being bred..!? for now..)
So, just because some species might be "common" at this moment .. doesn`t mean they will remain so, a few years ahead from now..
I´ve had some fishes that I really would pay "anything" for , to have/see once again....
I actually have some breeding-friends who say/believe that by dropping the prices/value on our fishes, we may (in the end) loose hobbyists + a new generation of engaged youths..
( Maybe since the majority of Humans often looks disrespectfully on things/activities with low economic value .. ??)

If we add some statistics of endangered habitats/forests+species to these thoughts ,we may come closer to the actual truth about this situation??

Another thing... we hobbyists/breeders rarely have the endurance+time + 40-50 tanks each(space at home), so we can preserve/maintain all the different species for several fish-generations.. and we also always tend to think that someone else is breeding/doing it !!!!!
(This is a big problem in the killi-fish hobby!!!.. in this genre we often have problem with the gender ratio when breeding.. 95% males/females or worse is not unusual..... And then when asking other breeders, if they have sucessfull spawns.. it often shows that 4-5 breeders is the minimum for keeping one species for a longer period...)

Ofcourse some species are easier than others, but they may be lost to us just by that statement being said...
No one cares to breed for 10 years, and then it turns up that their natural habitat has been totally destroyed!!!???
This is a fact , at least for killies...!!!

One example ..the beautiful and debated/critical species.. Rivulus(Laimosemion) mahdiaensis

Some travellers/killiots say it is still existing in the wild...!!



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New Member
Saratoga ,NY
Thanks guys.
The fry are doing great and with or with out interest I am a breeder so I will breed these fish as long as they allow...
Some of the wigglers fell off pot on removal so she still has fry to raise.. This just when they had formed a good rythm....
Hopefully the will breed again or I can get the fry?

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I'm looking for quality apistogrammas, can anyone recommend a good seller specialized in apistogrammas who ships in Europe? Thanks
Ada_1022 wrote on hongyj's profile.
Hi I didn’t know if you still have any of the Apistogramma Cuipeua?
Would be interested if so.
Bill D. wrote on Apistoguy52's profile.
Looking for Dicrossus Maculatus. Do you have any?