My a. ladisalo don't seem to want to breed so i was wondering if anyone has been successful and if there is some trick. I presume they are a blackwater fish and temp should be around 76-77.
I have two groups - one is a male/female in a 29 - in that aquarium i ahve some m. egregius frys in a plastic krib and the female spends all day guarding it and chasing away any fish that approach. other fishes in the tank include some emerald eye rasbora, n. marylinae and 4 or 5 otto.
The other group consist of 4 females and 2 male in a 40B. I think the temp is 75 to 77 i have to double check. The other fishes include some kubotai rasbora and some young sword tails (less than 1/2 inch) and maybe something else at the top.
Fishes i have been successful breeding:
a. sp winkelfleck
a. sp Blutkehl
a. wolli
chocolate cichild
mesonauta egregius
and about a dozen others
Anyway I'm not sure if anyone on this forum has bred them and if there was some magic whatever that trigger breeding desire. Mind you i don't want them to all breed constantly but one decent spawn would be nice.
I have two groups - one is a male/female in a 29 - in that aquarium i ahve some m. egregius frys in a plastic krib and the female spends all day guarding it and chasing away any fish that approach. other fishes in the tank include some emerald eye rasbora, n. marylinae and 4 or 5 otto.
The other group consist of 4 females and 2 male in a 40B. I think the temp is 75 to 77 i have to double check. The other fishes include some kubotai rasbora and some young sword tails (less than 1/2 inch) and maybe something else at the top.
Fishes i have been successful breeding:
a. sp winkelfleck
a. sp Blutkehl
a. wolli
chocolate cichild
mesonauta egregius
and about a dozen others
Anyway I'm not sure if anyone on this forum has bred them and if there was some magic whatever that trigger breeding desire. Mind you i don't want them to all breed constantly but one decent spawn would be nice.