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A. macmasteri Biotope Info


Hi evreyone!

I am trying to find information about Rio Guatiquia o Río Meta in Colombia to recreate the A. macmasteri biotope. Does anyone know the aquatic plant species list from those rivers? Any help will be welcome!



Well-Known Member
There are not many plants. I'd look for underwater footage from the Meta on youtube, there are several videos worthwhile looking at. Can't link them, as I'm on my phone at the moment.
I'd say it's not much more than a handful of genera and mostly undescribed species. So probably you will have to work with stand-ins.


Well-Known Member
The Rio Meta is a huge river in the Orinoco drainage, you probably want to look at some of the smaller tributaries, these articles may be of some use?


  • ZK_article_20159.pdf
    1.9 MB · Views: 62
  • Vista de Diversidad de peces de un tributario del río Meta, en la altillanura plana de la Orin...pdf
    1.1 MB · Views: 35


Well-Known Member
Erm, Mazan, the OP was asking for plants, not fish. But I see the bibliography in the second document is going to be helpful nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
Erm, Mazan, the OP was asking for plants, not fish. But I see the bibliography in the second document is going to be helpful nonetheless.
Sorry, I am trying to link an article about plants but keep getting an error message


    1.8 MB · Views: 53


Well-Known Member
OK that worked, but there are many habitat types, the floodplain regions have aquatic plants listed in that paper, not sure if this is the habitat where Macmasteri is found? As there are also morichales and other more shaded regions that probably don't have any or many plants.


Well-Known Member
A. macmasteri usually live in small streams and creeks flowing through savannah, so plenty of light, higher temperatures and partially overlapping habitat with M. ramirezi. The footage I've seen showed few species of plants, a lot of algae and aufwuchs cushions on the few plants there.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Oliver lucanus has a great video showing macmasteri in their natural habitat, though i image they can be found in habitats that look a bit different.
Not much to see in terms of plants, though.

Here is a link to his video:

I suggest you also look at Ivan mikolji’s morichal largo video:
It shows a. Guttata, but i imagine you could find Mac’s in similare looking places. -like the two others suggested



Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone! I am going to take a look to all the information provided!.
Also, I found this https://firemouthaquaristic.com/en/...WWZrwANMC0qcdIvWfKZu-C_60PxhjiNm3PSQOqfC60Lr3
Little actual information, lots of product placement without explanation. Take with a grain of salt.

Also giving the size of the fish with 5.5cm for males and 4cm for females is... underestimating. I regularly see 6-8cm TL males and 6cm females. A. macmasteri are one of the bigger species.


New Member
Hi evreyone!

I am trying to find information about Rio Guatiquia o Río Meta in Colombia to recreate the A. macmasteri biotope. Does anyone know the aquatic plant species list from those rivers? Any help will be welcome!

If you're ready to use your google translator, here's something I found for you.

I've collected there, water is amber colored, not crystal clear, not true blackwater. Your base substrate needs to be white sand, I've found Petco's Imagitarium white sand to be excellent and have it in all my tanks (I keep discus, altum, plecos and cories). Then you can throw in some leaf litter, catappa and oak will give you the right color and quality of water. Hairgrass, Carpeting swordplants, Althernathera reineckii will give you a beautiful splash of red, and some rounded stones and pieces or branches of a nice hardwood such as mahogany, i.e..
Try googling Ivan Mikolji, he should have some great images of what you are looking for.
A. Macmasteri and A. Hongsloi are close neighbors... this could help.


Well-Known Member
Althernathera reineckii
Not found naturally in Colombia..

Something with a red colour that does occur in the region is Cabomba furcata

The article you linked is the same one posted by the OP, just in Spanish. The article I posted on aquatic vegetation is also in Spanish, it describes different communities of aquatic plants found in various habitat types. Let me know if you need help with translation, but you can find the lists of plants species quite easily.


Not found naturally in Colombia..

Something with a red colour that does occur in the region is Cabomba furcata

The article you linked is the same one posted by the OP, just in Spanish. The article I posted on aquatic vegetation is also in Spanish, it describes different communities of aquatic plants found in various habitat types. Let me know if you need help with translation, but you can find the lists of plants species quite easily.
Thanks, I am going to read your article in Spanish, it could help me to decide which plant I can find here in Puerto Rico and which one I need to buy it.


If you're ready to use your google translator, here's something I found for you.

I've collected there, water is amber colored, not crystal clear, not true blackwater. Your base substrate needs to be white sand, I've found Petco's Imagitarium white sand to be excellent and have it in all my tanks (I keep discus, altum, plecos and cories). Then you can throw in some leaf litter, catappa and oak will give you the right color and quality of water. Hairgrass, Carpeting swordplants, Althernathera reineckii will give you a beautiful splash of red, and some rounded stones and pieces or branches of a nice hardwood such as mahogany, i.e..
Try googling Ivan Mikolji, he should have some great images of what you are looking for.
A. Macmasteri and A. Hongsloi are close neighbors... this could help.
Thanks! I would check Ivan YouTube channel.


Little actual information, lots of product placement without explanation. Take with a grain of salt.

Also giving the size of the fish with 5.5cm for males and 4cm for females is... underestimating. I regularly see 6-8cm TL males and 6cm females. A. macmasteri are one of the bigger species.
Yes, I think this could be just a general overview, I am going to watch their video on Youtube to see how they build it and if they offer more information.

Also, ,I read that A. macmasteri it could be found on Río Cusiana which connect with Rio Meta.


Well-Known Member
Yes, its worth reading as much as possible as macmasteri may be found in a range of different habitat types within its range. The video by Oliver Lucanus is very nice and shows a lot of smallish rounded rocks with algae on and plenty of leaf litter, but no rooted aquatic plants, it should be quite easy to recreate. But if you want plants I am sure there are some other habitats to choose from as well.


New Member
Not found naturally in Colombia..

Something with a red colour that does occur in the region is Cabomba furcata

The article you linked is the same one posted by the OP, just in Spanish. The article I posted on aquatic vegetation is also in Spanish, it describes different communities of aquatic plants found in various habitat types. Let me know if you need help with translation, but you can find the lists of plants species quite easily.
Good morning Mazan, Luis, and everybody.
Althernanthera reineckii... is definitely and abundantly found in Colombia... believe me!
I'm not sure if you can find it on some internet distribution map.. no big deal.. but it's there, trust my old eyes.
I've lived in SLC, Utah, the last 20 years, but I spent over 35 years of my life in puddles in Venezuela and Colombia looking for colorful little fish. I had a ball, and there was no internet back then!
I did bring back some "souvenirs", like my wife and son, he was born 28 years ago right on the bank of the grand Orinoco, in Puerto Ayacucho, hence my user name.
I'm a new member here, sorry, but nature, true nature, that's my game.
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Well-Known Member
OK, I looked up Althernanthera reineckii and found the native range to be Bolivia, Brazil and Northern Argentina. Perhaps this is wrong or it has been introduced in Colombia? It is not mentioned in the paper I posted earlier.

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