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A. flabellicauda female turns into male


Less than a year ago I received a pair of these beautiful Apisto's. See picture.
The male was very eager to please the female. She did not exactly feel the same about him. Three months of this fruitless cohabitation made me purchase another male.
The same story unfolded: an eager male continuous chasing the female. She was always hiding except when it was feeding time.
About two months ago she chose another hiding place, near the front of the tank so she was finally visible. But.... closer inspection reveiled a change in appearance which became cleare and more outspoken every next week. Now she or I should say: He, comes out in the open more frequently and sometimes even defies the (old) male. See the new male on the other picture. Bottomline: an interesting development that unfortunately leaves me stuck with 3 males and no females.


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Ada_1022 wrote on hongyj's profile.
Hi I didn’t know if you still have any of the Apistogramma Cuipeua?
Would be interested if so.
Bill D. wrote on Apistoguy52's profile.
Looking for Dicrossus Maculatus. Do you have any?
Hi guys I'm new in this page, I'm having trouble with one of my apistogramma agassizii pairs the seem not to be coupling up , I'm using the exact same tank that I've use in the past to couple a pair successfully
jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Please send me info regarding cuipeua. Thx, Joe.
jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Where are you located?