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A Call to Arms!


Active Member
5 Year Member
New Jersey, USA
Our dear Westiephiles,

For those of us who are members of the American Cichlid Association (ACA), your assistance is needed. It was recently announced that the 2004 ACA Convention will be hosted by the Rocky Mountain Cichlid Association (RMCA) in Denver, Colorado.

With this new assignment, the RMCA will be now be considering the speaker's program, an integral facet of the convention. In anticipation of same, I have sent the following letter to the ACA 2004 Chairman, Mark Whitney. Please feel free to join in the effort. Letters sent to Mr. Whitney at [email protected] are greatly appreciated.

Thanks all very much for your assistance.

Dear Mark,

Congratulations on hosting the ACA Convention next year! That's good news indeed. I expect that at this time the RMCA is considering a speaker's program, which is the purpose of this message.

In a recent conversation with Mike Wise concerning West and Central African cichlids, he commented that with all the activity and new developments in the region, it reminded him of what was happening in South America some 10-15 years ago, an opinion that I share. For the past five years or so, much exploration and research has been conducted in countries like Nigeria, Cameroon, Congo-Brazzaville, Gabon and DR Congo (Zaire), to name but few, the results of which are fairly common knowledge in Europe but are virtually unknown here in the US. At the forefront of this flurry of activity is Mag. Dr. Anton Lamboj with the Department of Zoology at the University of Vienna.

Specializing in the chromidotilapiine tribe of cichlids endemic to West and Central Africa, Dr. Lamboj recently split Chromidotilapia at the generic level and, even more recently, has scientifically described several new Chromidotilapia species with more to come. Currently his paper describing several Parananochromis species is in press.

In 2000, co-authors Lamboj and Snoeks (MRAC) erected a new genus for a somewhat problematic cichlid from Congo-Brazzaville and Gabon, Divandu albimarginatus; again, a matter of common knowledge in Europe but virtually unknown here in the US. As far as I know, Dr. Lamboj is also the only ichthyologist in the world who is currently working with yet another new undescribed species of Pelvicachromis endemic to Nigeria. This particular fish is an unknown subocellatus type endemic to the south of Lagos. In the near future, Dr. Lamboj plans on extending his research to include Nanochromis, a process already in progress.

In Europe, Dr. Lamboj's close colleagues include a virtual "Who's Who" in ichthyology, including the best and brightest illuminaries that the science has to offer. The likes of Dr. Victor Mamonekene in Congo-Brazzaville, Dr.'s Guy Teugels and Jos Snoeks at the Musee Royal de l'Afrique Centrale in Belgium, and Dr. Melanie Stiassny at the Museum of Natural History in New York are but a few of his "jury" with whom he works closely.

One could go on indefinitely recapping Dr. Lamboj's voluminous published body of significant work, but in the interest of time, perhaps I've already said enough.

Do you think it would be of benefit to the ACA and the hobby here in the US to invite Dr. Lamboj to speak at the 2004 convention? This past September, he spoke before 400 members of the French equivalent of the ACA to a standing ovation. With the seemingly growing number of "Westies" enthusiasts and increased number of articles concerning West and Central African cichlids here in the US, I believe that Dr. Lamboj would make for a tremendous asset, contributing to a memorable convention.

Please do share your thoughts with me.

Thanks very much.

Randall Kohn


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5 Year Member
Orleans Old France
go boys go boys go


as long as we are speaking of West affs and of Anton Lamboj , I can just say

go boys go boys go

When he came speaking for the AFC (Association France Cichlid) at 02 annual meeting (and I was not there) even cichlidiots deeply anchored in Rift Lake abyss said his conference was great.

so go boys to have his speak.



New Member
Sacramento, Ca.
I wish we could hear him at this years ACA. Now that we on on the subject of Europeans. I would mind it if they brought in Uwe Romer of Kullander, as well as Dr. Lamboj! Wouldn't that be great!?


Active Member
5 Year Member
New Jersey, USA
ACA 2004 Speakers

Dear Neil,

Dr. Romer is on the list of recommended speakers, as is Dr. Lamboj. As far as I can tell, the only reason we may not benefit from both of them is because of money.

In conversation with several ACA board members, all of the initial outlay is on the host club, regardless the their financial situation. There is a provision in the ACA bylaws for host club seed money, but said monies, I understand, are not forthcoming. Apparently, the host club is on its own without any assistance whatsoever from the ACA. Yet, when all is said and done, the ACA benefits from half the profits.

It's not my intention to politick here, but I would be more than willing to contribute out of pocket to the Lamboj cause, and from the overwhelming show of support I have received, many others feel the same way.

Lamboj in 2004!

Thanks much for reading.

Randall Kohn


Staff member
5 Year Member
Stoughton, WI
:) One thing you might consider is organizing a 'tour' for him. There are always a lot of people who cannot make it to the ACA. If he is willing to speak at a few smaller venues, or if he has other reasons (like academic visits) for being in the country, you might be able to get the cost reduced by spreading it over several clubs.


New Member
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV
I'll Put My Money Where My Mouth Is for Dr. Lamboj....


To see if this generates any interest, I, too, will donate money to get the good Doctor to ACA 2004. Count me in for at least $100. It's not much, but maybe we can get a few more Westie cichlidiots to chime in and help out the Rocky Mountain club.

It would be a shame to have him not come out over what would probably amount to $1,000 in travel expenses. And heck, if we get enough money in the piggy bank, I'd shoot for Uwe, too! :D

Maybe if anyone would like to do this....as the weather gets warmer and shipping isn't so touch and go, we can post "donation auctions" on Aquabid to help raise money for Rocky Mountain? I don't think it's fair that RMCA should have to bear the burden alone. I don't have much, but will have some fish ready by then and would gladly do it!

Cheerio to all,


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5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV
Cichlidiots in NV/AZ?


Do you have a club going in AZ anywhere (that's driveable from Vegas)? If not, is there any interest in developing one? Pacific Coast Cichlid Association has offered help in starting one, if we can garner any interest.



Staff member
5 Year Member
Stoughton, WI
:) The only club I know of in Phoenix is the Dry Wash Aquarium Club. They are not a huge club, and do not get many speakers. They asked me to speak, but never called back when I offered "Managing Small Aquariums" or "Water Chemistry"... they wanted slide shows of cichlids.

I am not interested in starting a club.. This is my club!!! :lol: It takes up about as much time.....


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5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV
Dry Wash


Big LOL. :D

Well maybe if I can muster up enough gumption, I'll make the drive to Phoenix then, one of these days.

Thanks for the lead -- I'm having club withdrawals in Vegas!



New Member
Sacramento, Ca.
Hey Wendy,
Long time, no hear! Hope all is well with you.

To see if this generates any interest, I, too, will donate money to get the good Doctor to ACA 2004. Count me in for at least $100. It's not much, but maybe we can get a few more Westie cichlidiots to chime in and help out the Rocky Mountain club.

That is very generous of you. I would like to do something to.

Maybe if anyone would like to do this....as the weather gets warmer and shipping isn't so touch and go, we can post "donation auctions" on Aquabid to help raise money for Rocky Mountain?

I am game. I have never done that before, but would participate in a fund-raising effort for such a good cause.
Maybe someone can even come up with a way to do it here.


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5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV
Possible Fundraising Ideas

Hi Neil!

Life just calmed down a little and I'm back to yack! :lol:

PCCA is big on ACA stuff. Maybe a few breeders or importers from PCCA would be willing to donate a bag or two at upcoming auctions for help out RMCA? If Kevin P. can talk to Jim, Sonnie and David, maybe they can do an announcement about the ACA 2004 situation and see how many members will help raise money through PCCA auctions? Just a thought!

Miss you guys in CA!!!!


New Member
Sacramento, Ca.
I have written a letter to the individual responsible for speaker at the RMCA telling him about the beginning of the funds-supplimenting movement. It is in our best interest to see if he and the RMCA is in the least bit interested in persuing Dr. Lamboj first. It sounds like they might be. If, in fact, they are, we can definitely use the resources of this forum and Apistogramma.com to establish any number of methods to advocate for this to happen. I don't know what position the PCCA will tke on this, but there are individual members that I am sure would join in.


New Member
5 Year Member
Las Vegas, NV
ACA 2004


Randall and I have responded to Pam's reply on the possible PCCA connection. So far, the reception has been lukewarm.

I think the biggest obstacle is the fact that Pam believes that there is LITTLE INTEREST and that most Cichlidiots don't even know that there are cichlids in WEST Africa. I, for one, thinks it's about time they found out. If we could garner enough support from those who ARE interested (especially now that Westies are enjoying "crossover" interest, thanks to the ApistoGram and Randall! :D ), perhaps we can turn the tables and let them know, Westie hounds are out there and their numbers are growing.

If more hobbyists KNEW about the amazing array of species in West Africa, it would fire up the hobby and garner even more excitement about the region and the hobby, as a whole. There are limited written resources out on Westies right now, with the L&S book being the most recent & complete (we need more!), so that's part of the problem. Limited marketing materials! :lol:

And if we can't get "unofficial" support from PCCA or elsewhere, I still say the Westie Clique and any others interested, do what we can to help out the Rocky Mountain Club get on their feet for ACA 2004!!!!

Go, go, go!!!!!



New Member
5 Year Member
Central Ohio
With all the new (and old) stuff coming out of West Africa lately, it's only a matter of time before the Westies explode like Apistos did.

I remember 10 years ago talking about apistos and people looked at me like I had a third eye. If I hadn't been stationed in Europe, it would have been another 5 years before I knew what one was.

By 2004, the westies will be even more popular and hopefully even more available. Count me in for whatever I might be able to do.


Active Member
5 Year Member
New Jersey, USA
Great News!

To all "Westies" enthousiats,

Great news! Earlier this evening, Feb. 4, I took a phone call from the 2004 ACA Convention chairman, Mark Whitney, who advises that our recommendation that Dr. Lamboj speak at the convention next year has been approved by the committee. In our conversation, Mark mentioned that he has received many email messages, lately, in support of Dr. Lamboj.

I'd like to thank all of you who wrote letters in support of the cause. The tremendous show of strength and support, in this effort, has been simply overwhelming.

With this bit of great news, now others can be exposed to the vast ichthyologic cichlid wealth endemic to West and Central Africa and benefit from the experience as we have.

Thank you all so very much.

All the best,

Randall Kohn

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Ada_1022 wrote on hongyj's profile.
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Would be interested if so.
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jloponte wrote on hongyj's profile.
Please send me info regarding cuipeua. Thx, Joe.
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Where are you located?