Hey! Anyone Else experienced their A. Agazzisi eating snails, in particular pest snails(bladder)?
Noticed my male acting a bit wierd and sat stil watching as he stalked a snail and in a quick motion rushed it, grabbed what I asume was the fleshy parts outside the shell and did 3-4 sideways headshakes, before the shell went flying and he startet "chewing" or rather working down something. Went in and collected the shell and indeed, it was emtpy. Have anyone of you also seen this behaviour in their agazzisis?
I've noticed a few empty snail shells of adult bladder snails in my tank, but always though it was a result of the ph being about 6 and them dying off due to that. Kinda fun to watch!
Noticed my male acting a bit wierd and sat stil watching as he stalked a snail and in a quick motion rushed it, grabbed what I asume was the fleshy parts outside the shell and did 3-4 sideways headshakes, before the shell went flying and he startet "chewing" or rather working down something. Went in and collected the shell and indeed, it was emtpy. Have anyone of you also seen this behaviour in their agazzisis?
I've noticed a few empty snail shells of adult bladder snails in my tank, but always though it was a result of the ph being about 6 and them dying off due to that. Kinda fun to watch!