Hello guest! Are you an Apistogramma enthusiast? If so we invite you to join our community and see what it has to offer. Our site is specifically designed for you and it's a great place for Apisto enthusiasts to meet online. Once you join you'll be able to post messages, upload pictures of your fish and tanks and have a great time with other Apisto enthusiasts. Sign up today!
Hello everyone, I wanted to share that a good batch of WC Apistogramma will soon arrive that has not arrived in this country for a long time. If anyone is interested, let me know so I can give you more details so you can make your reservations. They will all be of good quality. They will arrive...
I have a male and female apistogramma agassizii and they don't get along well. My female has tried to spawn twice but my male wants nothing to do with her. And when she isn't spawing he chases her around the tank and snips at her tail. She has some damage. She is a good sport though and she...