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  1. U

    Stressed A. Borellii sp. Opal male

    About 3 weeks ago I got a solo male A. Borellii sp. Opal. I had him in a QT tank with other fish while I finished building an upgraded 32 gallon tank for my community for 1 week. During this time he was colored up and seemed great. Once I moved them all to the new tank, he has had no color and...
  2. T

    New 40g tank with agassiziis

    Looking for some insight on what I should do.... figured I came to the right place. I bought a pair of agassiziis from my LFS, long story short female died within a day, looked sick as soon as I put her in the tank. Bought another "female", not a female. I had them in a 20g high, noticed it...
  3. M

    Sexing apistogramma trifasciata

    Good morning, I'm new to keeping Apistogramma. I've got a singe definite developed male. I've also been sold 4 'females' with the plan to set up a harem. Two of these four are definitely male - I've used the older forum posts to identify this. I've inserted images of the other two. Does anyone...
  4. D

    Help sexing my German blue rams / ramirezi

    Hi all, Yesterday I bought my first German blue rams. Before I went to the store I have read a lot about sexing gbr. In the first fish store I was yesterday it was obvious that they were all female so I went to another because I want a male and female. According to the fish store they...
  5. Don R

    Identification help on A. Cacatuoides 'Super Red'

    I could use some helping figuring out if this is a female or a sneaker male. Thanks!