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Hey can anyone give a second opinion on their genders please? The GBR was sold to me a male and the golden ram as a female. As their both juveniles i just wanted a second opinion, I watched them in the store for a long time so i think they are correct but just want to make 100% sure!
I currently have a 252L (105 x 40 x 60cm) tank set up with rock and wood as a hardscape and slowly becoming more planted.
Current stocking:
Pair of Apistogramma Agassizii Fire Gold
11 Cardinal Tertas
6 Harlequin Rasboras
6 Guppys
6 Corydoras
1 Bristlenose
5 Amano Shrimp
I was wanting to know...
Hi all,
Yesterday I bought my first German blue rams. Before I went to the store I have read a lot about sexing gbr. In the first fish store I was yesterday it was obvious that they were all female so I went to another because I want a male and female. According to the fish store they...
I just bought a ram and forgot to specify male or female at the store, so I'm not sure what I got. I'm interested in getting a pair, so I'd like to know what sex I have now. The pictures are of my fish.
Hey there just trying to find out what gender my German blue ram is, I’ve tried comparing my fish to photos online but I just can’t tell weather it’s a male or female.
Thank you