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borellii opal

  1. U

    Stressed A. Borellii sp. Opal male

    About 3 weeks ago I got a solo male A. Borellii sp. Opal. I had him in a QT tank with other fish while I finished building an upgraded 32 gallon tank for my community for 1 week. During this time he was colored up and seemed great. Once I moved them all to the new tank, he has had no color and...
  2. C

    Stumped trying to sex my A. borellii (?) "opal"!

    Hey everyone I'm having a lot of trouble reaching a definitive answer about the sex of my opals I got a few weeks ago. The "male" of the pair hasn't colored up much at all and after sharing pics on reddit and Facebook apisto communities, it seems that no one can quite make heads or tails of what...
  3. D

    Help sexing Borellii Opal’s

    Hi all, I have 2 Borellii Opals I am uncertain of their sex. When I bought them I was certain they were females due to the strong black colours on the first rays in the dorsal and pelvic fins and a seemingly strong yellow colour (however they were in a tank with possibly 30-40 other Borellii...