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  1. J

    Hello and questions about my Trifasciata couple

    Hey from Oakland, CA! Been sneaking around on this site and finally wanted to join and introduce myself :)) I got an Apisto Trifasciata last september (my first apistos!) and within the first week they spawned! Since then the last 4 fry are in the growout tank and I finally reunited the parents...
  2. R

    Apistogramma Macmasteri pair, no breeding behavior?

    A few weeks ago I purchased an attempted macmasteri pair (gold form) from an online site, but to my knowledge I don't think im seeing any breeding behavior? They do 'hang out' and swim around each other often, but I don't see behavior that I have seen in the past from other apistos (female...
  3. L

    Not sure what they are doing

    TLDR: I would like to know the sex of these three for sure and what this tail flick/ biting behavior is. Is it territorial fighting or mating behavior? Background I should say from the start that this is my first go at apistos but I have housed other cichlids, as well as all the 'starter' fish...