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  1. A

    Panduro female ate her eggs... why?

    Negative. I'm pretty disappointed. I've sold the pair after the second unsuccessful spawn. Maybe later down the line, I'll give them another go. I just don't have patience for egg eaters :rolleyes:
  2. A

    Panduro female ate her eggs... why?

    Good to know. Thanks Mike. Greatly appreciated. I'll keep you guys posted on the progress.
  3. A

    Panduro female ate her eggs... why?

    They bred again today. This time, the male is helping fend off any dither fish that comes near. Will 70 degrees be ok for the eggs to hatch? or should I bump up the temp a little bit? The female also laid twice as many eggs this time around. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  4. A

    Panduro female ate her eggs... why?

    Thanks for clarifying. As far as worms go, I live in CA and the lfs I get my worms from carry California Blackworms which are farm raised. I've been using these worms for the last few years feeding all my fish, even chopped up for my fry. I've yet to encounter any fish illnesses or deaths...
  5. A

    Panduro female ate her eggs... why?

    Shrimp as in Ghost shrimp or Red cherry shrimps (live)? Or do you mean shrimp pellets? I have to try some sinking pellets, since they don't touch anything on the surface. I'll wait a few more days till I do a water change to try to get them to breed again.
  6. A

    Panduro female ate her eggs... why?

    I was reading in the Ram thread and someone said that a 'night light' needs to be on so the female doesn't eat the eggs. This could've been why my eggs are gone. My wife turned off the lights on the 3rd day and I didn't know about it till the next morning. It's been 6 days now and no fry...
  7. A

    Panduro female ate her eggs... why?

    I'm hoping that's what she did. I went ahead and tossed in a few White cloud minnows as dither fish. The male chases them around, but not constantly. Now I'm kinda afraid the minnows may eat any potential fry. :eek:
  8. A

    Panduro female ate her eggs... why?

    Thanks for replying. I've bred many fish before, but this is my first crack at any sort of cichlid whatsoever. They are def a more intuitive fish and seems some details may need addressing here as you've already pointed out. I'm here to learn so please do lay it on me. :biggrin: I tried...
  9. A

    Panduro female ate her eggs... why?

    I recently acquired a pair of A. Panduros from a local auction and set them in a makeshift 10g bare bottom tank with a bunch of leaf litter and plants. I did not keep a good eye on them for about a week, but five days ago I saw the female gaurding a clutch of ~50 eggs, stuck on one of the...