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Search results

  1. R

    Looking For: A.agassizii Red-Gold

    Anyone know a dealer who is selling these?
  2. R

    Compatibility Question

    well after reading some stuff, decided not to include A. cacatuoides in this tank (maybe get them a nice little 10-15g for themselves) but i'd still like to have agassizii and trifasciata...
  3. R

    Compatibility Question

    fwiw, the tank is gonna be a black-water type tank, lots of wood, leaf litter and the such.
  4. R

    Compatibility Question

    i was thinking of putting 3 trios in my 30g long tank, would A. Agassiz, A. Cacatuoides and A. Trifasciata be compatible with each other?
  5. R

    Filtration and lighting

    internet shorthand for nevermind, i posted something then figured it out...
  6. R

    Filtration and lighting

    maybe i'll just get a small internal, though i'd rather not have fry (lfs don't carry apistos so odds are they wouldn't take them)
  7. R

    Filtration and lighting

    so what percentage waterchanges are we saying, 20-30%?
  8. R

    leaf litter

    i think my old HS has Oaks, but not sure i want to wander the property gathering leaves.... still would like to know if like Cherry or Apple leaves would work...
  9. R

    Filtration and lighting

    I'm more or less planning a Biotope type tank for apistos (gonna try within reason of funds and my experience with the systems) so sand substrate (CaribSea Tahitian Black Moon) and lots of leaves in the system (given i can find oak trees, or any of the other trees will work(can fruit trees be...
  10. R

    leaf litter

    the irony of having that many fruit trees, yet no oaks, just maples has crossed my mind...
  11. R

    Filtration and lighting

    it'll be a 30g long, should of said that in the first place :P
  12. R

    Filtration and lighting

    I'm starting to gather the items needed to start up my Apistogramma tank, and i was wondering: What is the perfered filtration media, and GPH on a tank with leaf litter,also about how many watts lighting should i use on the tank?
  13. R

    leaf litter

    would pear,apple or cherry leaves work? yet to find an oak on my property :P
  14. R

    leaf litter

    what is the common amount of leafs used in the litter set up. i keep picturing in my head like a wall of leafs in the tank :P. also for about how long does a "set" of leaves last before needing to be replaced?