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Search results

  1. F

    power failure- a nervous night

    Things were pretty dark in Mississauga as well. All my fish seamed to have no problems weathering the black out as well. Our power was out for about 17 hours. My biggest concern was for the fish that I had coming in from Nigeria Friday morning!! The airport did not get their power back until...
  2. F

    Looking for Pel.pulcher with collection locations

    Hello Randall, sorry I was so long in responding to your last posting but the wife and I were up in the Great white north at an uncles igloo feeding the mosquitos. We came back Wednesday night only to have all the power go off Thursday and I had fish coming in from Nigeria!!!!!! I am glad to say...
  3. F

    Looking for Pel.pulcher with collection locations

    Hello Colin, thank you for your kind words and encouragement. Since my posting I now have a contact for Pel. sacrimentis and Toyin still has Pel. pulcher Ndonga out of Cameroon. So that will be 2 more down. I am also having a shipment of fish coming out of Nigeria in mid-August from a supplier...
  4. F

    Looking for Pel.pulcher with collection locations

    Thank you Neil and Micheal for you help. I have received fish from Toyin before and will definately order from him again. His fish were great! I am hoping that he still has the Pel.pulcher Ndonga when I can order again. As for Pel. sacrimentis I thought that I seen it advertised on aquabid a...
  5. F

    West African Study Group ??

    Hello Neil, you can count me in on any West African Study group. You can also count me in for helping with anything you might need to get it going. I think it is over due that there was some sort of source out there dedicated to West African Cichlids. I have some experience in starting up a club...
  6. F

    Looking for Pel.pulcher with collection locations

    Hello eveyone out there, I am hoping that there are some people out on the forum who can help me on this quest. I am looking for Pel. pulcher that are pure strains. I have been collecting Pel. pulcher types for the last couple of years and now have 3 types of of Pel. pulcher that I have...
  7. F

    West African Study Group ??

    I was wondering if anything ever became of the west african study group? I remember reading about one possibly starting up on the forum a couple months ago but have not seen anything on it since. Would like to be apart of it.
  8. F

    Three's company! Chromidochromis linkeyi Ehom Spawning

    this is just a little up date on the spawning of my B. linkei "Ehom". After the initial spawning I separated the pair from the group of fish as the had taken up in a cave at the far end of the tank. the rest of the group was removed to another tank in hopes that a second pair would form. Instead...
  9. F

    Tilapia snyderae

    Hello discus man, I don't know much about Tiliapia snyderae other than it is fairly new to the hobby. You can see a photo of them on this site and he also has a little info about them. The site is www.blackwaterfish.com this is a very good site for info about most of the newer west african fish...
  10. F

    Hemichromis frempongi

    Hello Randall I would be interested in bring some some Hemi. frempongi to Toronto as well. Let me know when you would be expecting them in and also how many you would need me to take. I assume that you would be importing them from a comercial dealer and would need to order a minimum quantity...
  11. F

    Where do you find these fish????

    Sorry Guys, I am still around but Hal (My Computer) had a melt down. Just got it back last night from my friend I going to be busy all week end answering E-mail. Anyone I owe an E-mail to be patience I will get it to you this week end. In answer to the questions about the Pel. pulcher types...
  12. F

    Collecting sites and data on Ghana Cichlids

    Hello John, It's Haydn. Tried to send you and E-mail but Hal has been on the blink again . No one has recieved my E-mails from the past week. I also have not been getting peoples E-mails. Any information would be a great help on collection locations in Ghana. My contact is trying to make...
  13. F

    Where do you find these fish????

    Hello Andypython, I am in the Tronto area and I am willing to ship to B.C. if you are interested. I am only a hobbist but I have available right now Pel. tean. Kienke F1 pairs and Pel.pulcher fry from 3 different variants. I will have available for around the end of August to the beginning of...
  14. F

    Three's company! Chromidochromis linkeyi Ehom Spawning

    Hello Randall I haven't been able to get any good photos of my B. linkei? Ehom but this photo is very similar to my fish. The dorsal is more of a rusty red on my fish and the body has more of a bluish tinge but I am sure it is the same fish.
  15. F

    Collecting sites and data on Ghana Cichlids

    You are both welcome to come if I can get this off the ground. The tenative date would be August or September next year. I am more of a killifish nut than a dwarf cichlid nut and the main reason I was looking to go was to collect Fp. walkeri, Fundulosoma therryi, and re introduce to the hobby...
  16. F

    Collecting sites and data on Ghana Cichlids

    I am hoping that someone on the forum can help me on this. I am planning on organising some collecting trips and 3rd party collecting in the country of Ghana. I have found little information about collecting trips in Ghana or if there is even a company that is commercially exporting tropical...
  17. F

    Three's company! Chromidochromis linkeyi Ehom Spawning

    Thanks for the info Randall, Here is an update on the fish. A pair has formed and the smallest female has been pushed away by the male. As of this morning she has lost her eggs. The two larger fish have formed a pair bond and now run the bottom of the 50 gallon tank. The female has also taken to...
  18. F

    Three's company! Chromidochromis linkeyi Ehom Spawning

    Feeding the fish today a was treated to a nice suprise. My Chrom. linkeyi Ehom were in the middle of spawning. I sat down to watch what I though was the pair spawing when I noticed that it was actually 3 fish involved in the spawning! One fish had already filled its mouth full of eggs when I...