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Search results

  1. C

    Setting an Apistos tank - Needs help!

    What sp of killifish do you recommend ed?
  2. C

    Setting an Apistos tank - Needs help!

    Thanks for the warm welcome, really informative forum. I would rather keep the apistogramma in a community than in a species tank. The centerpiece would be the apistogramma and the rams, the neons are just dither fish so changing them with some pencilfish would not bother me at all. Will...
  3. C

    Setting an Apistos tank - Needs help!

    I read on the net that with apistogramma sp. having a trio can sometimes lead to having 2 females spawning at the same time, which would be nice since breeeding them will be one of my objectives. With reference to odo, I didn't know what they are, and searching on the net gave me the wrong...
  4. C

    Setting an Apistos tank - Needs help!

    Rams form pairs and Apistogramma form harems right? Keeping a trio of 1m and 2f A. caca with the pair of rams would be too much? And what bottom feeders do you suggest? Thanks.
  5. C

    Setting an Apistos tank - Needs help!

    Correct me where I'm wrong since this is my first thread. I had just acquired a 80 ltrs tank which I intend to set up, heavily planted for Apistos and some Ramirezi, with some dither fish such as neons. I am currently more attracted to Apistogramma cacatuoides, but is this suitable for my...