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Search results

  1. T

    sexing my new A. borellii

    ok, I'm back with more pics. Some of the pictures are better, but making them better made it almost impossible to be sure I got all 3. One would inevitably chase the others before I got known shots of all three. So I'm going to post several and just hope I have all 3 of these guys between all...
  2. T

    sexing my new A. borellii

    Thanks, I hope you're not offended. I figure the more help I can get, the better. The blue tells me that you were probably right.
  3. T

    sexing my new A. borellii

    I can't believe I didn't notice it before now, but I'm finally seeing that all of them have blue or bluish-green markings on their heads. they were so pale last week when I got them that I didn't see it. Is it possible to have blue on them without them being these all-male steel blues? :mad...
  4. T

    sexing my new A. borellii

    Newbie alert! I have been to lots of other cichlid forums, but this is my first time posting here. I have some not-great pictures of my 3 new apistos. 1-1.25" if I had to guess. I asked the guy at the LFS for 1 m/2 f, but I have no clue myself if that's what I got. There's some chasing...