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Search results

  1. B

    Breeding Agassizii

    Thanks for the replys guys, I'm in the process of cycling my 55 Gal so will move the tetra's and cory's over to give myself more of a chance. By using peat this lowers the PH right? does it also lower the hardness? Mine is showing as 50ppm. And Mike you mentioned the Red colour...
  2. B

    Breeding Agassizii

    Hi I'm very new to keeping Apistos and i'm after a couple of bits of info on Agassizii. I have one pair, photo's attached, Can anyone tell me the strain of Agassizii? http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a68/banzibaz/AgassiziiMale.jpg...
  3. B

    First day! Can someone show me where the toilets are!?

    Hi all Apologies for the title, wanted an eye catching "Hi i'm new here" title, Wanted to say hello and explain a bit about myself, i'm 30 years of age and based in the UK, I started keeping fresh water tropicals when I was 14 yrs old and have a break from the age of 21 through to 28 yrs...