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Search results

  1. A

    Can Apistos survive 3 weeks without feeding?

    Has anyone tried Tetra Gel Feeder Blocks? They seem quite good in that they don't dissolve and spoil the water like plaster feeders: Are they really that good? Are they ok for small tanks with pairs of apistos? Won't apistos keep eating till they die (I suppose these things are not that...
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    Can Apistos survive 3 weeks without feeding?

    Apistobob, thanks... sounds promising... Do you (or anyone else) know whether apistos, if really hungry, will eat floating water sprite plants (Ceratopteris thalictroides)? I have these in every apisto tank. Cheers Angel
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    Can Apistos survive 3 weeks without feeding?

    Hello - I'm planning to go on vacation for 3 weeks. I have pairs of Apistos in quite a few species tanks, so it is not quite feasible to use auto-feeders. In the past, I have been away for two weeks, and they (including fry) seemed to have survived without any problems without feeding for the...
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    A. panduro - incompatible pair?

    Thanks Mike. In fact, just today, the female produced some eggs. They have not been fighting even when the male is close to the flower pot where the eggs are, but the female does chase the male away when he tries to enter. Does this all mean that they will be fine as a pair? Can't wait...
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    Seachem Discus Buffer and effect on breeding

    Hi all I'm currently using a combination of Catappa leaves and Seachem Discus Buffer to condition the water for my apistos. I was wondering if the Seachem Discus Buffer (being phosphate based and claiming to soften water by precipitating calcium & magnesium) would actually be helping or...
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    A. panduro - incompatible pair?

    Hi all I have a new m/f pair of A. panduro. They seem to be fighting and tearing each other's fins (so far, no bodily harm yet, apart from the fins). Does this mean they are incompatible and unlikely to form a bonded pair? Is there any hope of co-existence in the same tank? What can...
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    Borellis and Blue rams juveniles at 30 deg C (86 F)

    Hi - I suspected that I may have infected my grow out tank with Ick. I am thinking of keeping the temperature at 30 degrees C (86 F) for about 10 days. Will this temperature be ok for borelli and blue rams juveniles? Thanks Angel