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Search results

  1. C

    Needing ID help

    Yeaa I had read a few previous post on here about them not being a good fit together especially if wanting to possibly breed the hopeful pair, so I do have plans on moving the cardinals to my male betta tank (as he’s lived with some in the past with no issues) and the rasboras will be going to a...
  2. C

    Needing ID help

    Oo okay thank you everyone’s responses, I’ll definitely be keeping my eye on the fin length and shape then. And very glad to know that it is definitely A. Macmasteri.
  3. C

    Needing ID help

    Ahh thank you frank for clearing that up, that’s definitely a relief. Now just gotta figure out if it’s a male or female I’m trying to see if it’ll colour up in the smaller tank by itself or if it stays the same then I’m not really sure what to do.
  4. C

    Needing ID help

    Ooo you’re right there this one does look very similar to a hoignei as it does have the very faint red lines on its tail, If it is in fact this species is it best to keep them separated ? Even if it was a female. (though seems to be a male from your guys responses, which I was slightly worried...
  5. C

    Needing ID help

    thank you for your response and yeaa that was also another worry of mine at first but the seller was persistent that it was a “indeed a female viejita” even when I did question them. (every now and then she or he will show a faint line across the lateral area but most of the time he or she...
  6. C

    Needing ID help

    Hello everyone, I’ve been stalking these forums for quite awhile now for a few answers here and there but I’ve stumbled across something I can’t quite figure out. I recently brought this labeled A. Viejita (but believed to be A. Macmasteri) believing that she was a female for my definite male...