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Search results

  1. E

    Fish stores in D.C. and San Francisco

    Aqua Forest in San Francisco 1718 Fillmore St. They don't have many (if any) dwarf cichlids but they are the best planted tank store I have ever seen. Lots of cool stuff and interesting and rare fish. Worth a look.
  2. E

    Apisto Tank - Sand a must?

    I believe there are two aquarium stores in the US that carry ADA stuff. One is in Houston and the other is Aqua Forest in San Francisco. If you search some of the planted tank sites (www.plantedtank.net) there are alternatives to the ADA soil. Soilmaster is one that comes to mind.
  3. E

    bric. pair killed my ancistras

    Are you talking about Neolamprologus Brichardi? And you have a 54 liter tank? I'm afraid nothing will get along with them. I think it would be best to keep them by themselves.
  4. E

    Cichlid pair in 29 gallon

    Thanks for the suggestions. Ok here are my choices. 1) Pair of Keyhole Cichlids (Cleithracara maronii) and Serpae Tetras as dithers OR 2) Pair of peaceful apistogrammas and a pair of Microgeophagus ramirezi with the Serpae Tetras as dithers. Would this work since the apistos are cave...
  5. E

    A. Borelli ?

    Yes that looks like him. Thanks.
  6. E

    A. Borelli ?

    I have an apistogramma that was labeled as A. borelli at my local fish club. I have searched through picutres of different A. borelli and none seem to look like the fish I have. Here are some pictures. http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c360/emoore3/P1010007.jpg...
  7. E

    Cichlid pair in 29 gallon

    Hello, I am currently setting up a 29 gallon planted tank. I have very soft water kH and GH around 1 deg (will test pH later). I am looking for a peaceful cichlid that I could add to my tank. It will be heavily planted with a school of "dither fish". I also would like a cichlid that lives...
  8. E

    Pelvicachromis taeniatus with killifish

    Thanks Ted. Now I just have to find some Nanochromis.
  9. E

    Pelvicachromis taeniatus with killifish

    Thanks for the reply and the suggestions tjudy. My 29 gallon is heavily planted. Do the Nanachromis species dig? Also any other suggestions for dwarf cichlids with the killies? How about some of the apistogramma species? Thanks.
  10. E

    Pelvicachromis taeniatus with killifish

    Hello, I currently have a 29 gallon with 4 cory cats and 4 Aphyosemion australe killifish. I was looking at adding a dwarf cichlid to the mix. I read that some Pelvicachromis taeniatus come from the same waters as the Aphyosemion australe. Do you think I would be able to have a pair of...