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Search results

  1. DZil

    Current In Stock List

    How much is Shipping for a pair of apistos to 10016
  2. DZil

    Photo Gallery

    Jeff, what do you have in stock now
  3. DZil

    German Apistos

    Why we do not see any German apistos in the US for sale? Looking at AquaticQuotient there are some amazing looking apistogrammas.
  4. DZil

    German Apistos

  5. DZil

    A. bitaeniata Rio Tigre

    Sweet pair!
  6. DZil

    N. America Flame Red Apisto Pair Wanted

    Just ordered some from Ed at Bluegrass, will see what I get, will keep you posted
  7. DZil

    N. America Flame Red Apisto Pair Wanted

    Thanks Chris, so they are all from Czech republic? Do you have any for sale?
  8. DZil

    N. America Flame Red Apisto Pair Wanted

    Are these tank raised or wild?
  9. DZil

    Apistogramma Agassizi Flame Red aka Fire Red Question

    a little confusing, so did anyone find the fire red agassizi for sale here in US ?
  10. DZil

    WTB - pair of Agassizi Fire Reds

    thank you, got some!
  11. DZil

    Let's share some photos of my Apisto

    That's some stock you got there
  12. DZil

    Apistogramma Aggassizii Flaring

  13. DZil

    WTB - pair of Agassizi Fire Reds

    In New York, it's too bad you can't ship
  14. DZil

    WTB - pair of Agassizi Fire Reds

    No one breeds these guys?
  15. DZil

    WTB - pair of Agassizi Fire Reds

    By the way Wet humb, is no longer selling fish, retired
  16. DZil

    WTB - pair of Agassizi Fire Reds

    Thanks George, have not seen any from Dave, will look at Wethumb
  17. DZil

    WTB - pair of Agassizi Fire Reds

    Looking to purchase a pair of Agassizi fire reds.
  18. DZil

    Finally sourced a pair of Borelli

    Great looking pair, who did you purchase from?
  19. DZil

    Hi from Brooklyn,NY

    Welcome, I see you are in NY, tough to get apistos locally.
  20. DZil

    Apistogramma Agassizi... Male or Female

    I have the same problem, any ideas?